Wednesday 16 September 2015

Total Quality Management. 9901366442 - 9902787224


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Total Quality Management

1. In Total Quality Management, what does the ‘Quality’ word mean?
a) Degree of excellence a product or service
b) Degree of performance
c) Degree of work`
d) Strength of the company
2. Quality can be quantified as :
a) Q = P % E
b) Q = P / E
c) Q = P * E
d) None
Where P = Performance, and E = Expectations
3. What could be the dimension of Quality?
a) Conformance
b) Durability
c) Aesthetics
d) All above
4. An effective TQM program is often referred to as :
a) Listening to the voice of consumers
b) Listening to the voice of customers
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None

5. The most important consideration of an effective TQM is
a) Maximize profit
b) Provide high quality
c) Customer satisfaction
d) Minimize expenses
6. Who said this, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
a) Will Rogers
b) Shewhart
c) Joseph M. Juran
d) Phillip B. Crosby
7. “……………….” is we, not me; mission, not my show; vision, not division; and community,
Not domicile.”
a) Democracy
b) Membership
c) Management
d) Leadership
8. Knowledge is what to do; the desire is the motivation or wants to do; and the skill is the…..
a) When to do?
b) How to do?
c) What to do
d) None
9. A body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behavior of individuals &
a) Synergy
b) Ethics
c) Conduct
d) Nature
10. Quality is judged by
a) Manager
b) Director
c) Government
d) Customers
11. A desired future stage of an organization is
a) Policies
b) Mission
c) Value
d) Vision

12. A customer could be
a) Internal
b) External
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
13. A particular tool for obtaining opinions & perceptions about organizations its products &
a) Customer questionnaire
b) Personal interview
c) Telephonic interview
d) All above
14. Clients are the people for whom the company doing the survey, and customers are the ones
a) Who checks the product or services
b) Who use the product or services
c) Who takes the information about product
d) None
15. 90% of all customers contact comes through an organization’s
a) Front – line employees
b) Back – line employees
c) Manager
d) Director
16. The connection between customers satisfaction and the bottom line is
a) Customer interest
b) Customer retention
c) Customer requirement
d) None
17. A useful tool which provides information to improve processes an establish realistic goals
b) Quality function deployment
c) Gap analysis
d) None
18. Who said, “Customer don’t buy products, they buy result.”
a) Joseph J. Juran
b) Phillip B. Crosby
c) Peter Drucker
d) Will Rogers

19. A document that defines the team’s mission, boundaries, the background of the problem, team’s
authority, duties and resources.
a) Sponsor
b) Team charter
c) Team manager
d) Team leader
20. When one person proposes a decision and another agrees, we have the
a) Non-decision
b) Minority rule decision
c) Unilateral decision
d) Handclasp decision
21. Item that includes a process, such as brainstorming, affinity diagram, discussion, the presenters
and times guidelines is
a) Company’s logo
b) Company’s Name
c) An agenda
d) Moto
22. The most difficult stage as members start to realize the amount of works that lies ahead is
a) Forming
b) Worming
c) Performing
d) Storming
23. The S.T.A.R. = ‘Suggestions’, ‘Team’, ‘Actions’, ‘…………..’.
a) Response
b) Reliability
c) Results
d) None
24. An ongoing process that must occur if an organization is to continue to exist in the competitive
world is
a) Change
b) Repair
c) Revenue
d) None
25. The planning component of process involvement begins with
a) Internal customers
b) External customers
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None

26. Which problem occurs, when a structured system having standardized inputs, processes, and
outputs is performing unacceptably from the user’s view point?
a) Unstructured problems
b) Product design problems
c) Compliance problems
d) Process design problems
27. PDSA stands for
a) Plan – Do – Study – Act
b) Process Development Structured Analysis
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
28. Kaizen improvement focuses on which principle to produce only the units in the right quantities,
at the right time, and with the right resources.
a) Do – it – fast
b) Just – in –time
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
29. The Greek symbol for the statistical measurement of dispersion called standard deviation
a) α
b) β
c) λ
d) σ
30. Competency levels of six sigma individuals use the Karate designations of
a) Green Belt
b) Black Belt
c) Master Black Belt
d) All above
31. The key element to a partnering relationship is
a) Long – term commitment
b) Trust
c) Shared vision
d) All above
32. Sourcing, which is the use of two or more suppliers for an item is
a) Sole sourcing
b) Multiple sourcing
c) Single sourcing
d) None

33. The fourth and final phase, i.e., identity check occurs
a) When the customers perform identity checks
b) When the suppliers perform identity checks
c) When both the customers & suppliers perform identity checks
d) None
34. A supplier rating system is based on
a) Quality
b) Delivery
c) Service
d) All above
35. The score of a supplier can be calculated as
a) Performance matrix * price index
b) Target price * actual price
c) Performance matrix * actual price
d) None
36. OEMs must maintain supply chain development through
a) Zero defects
b) 100 % on time delivery
c) A process for continuous improvement
d) All above
37. A technique of ‘Performing Measure Presentation’ benchmarks the process & shows favorable &
unfavorable trends in the measure
a) Control chart
b) Time service graph
c) Capability index
d) Cost of poor quality
38. Costs can generally be considered the cost incurred for the inspection and/or test of purchased
suppliers or service to determine acceptability for use.
a) Operations appraisal costs
b) External appraisal costs
c) Miscellaneous quality evaluations
d) Purchasing appraisal costs
39. Purchasing failure cost are incurred due to
a) Defected item rejects
b) Purchased item rejects
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None

40. The efficiency of a business is measured in terms of
a) Rupees
b) Paisa
c) Dollars
d) Pound
41. An annual award to recognize U.S. organizations for performance excellence
a) Golden Peacock Award
b) IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Award
c) Malcolm Baldrige National Award
d) None
42. In the implementation of a quality cost program, to determine if the program can be beneficial to
the organization is
a) Last step
b) First step
c) Second step
d) None
43. An increasingly popular tool, used extensively by both manufacturing & service organizations,
including Xerox, AT&T, Motorola, Ford & Toyota to reach at a target point
b) Benchmarking
c) QFD
d) QC
44. When deciding what to benchmark, it is best to begin by thinking about the
a) Mission and vision
b) Vision and critical success factors
c) Vision
d) Mission and critical success factors
45. Benchmarking can be
a) Internal
b) Competitive
c) Process
d) All above
46. Technique of conducting original research is
a) Questionnaires
b) Site visits
c) Focus on groups
d) All above

47. Benchmarking is waste of time, if
a) Change does not occur as a result
b) Change occurs a result
c) There is no achievement
d) Can’t say
48. E – learning is offered in a variety of formats such as
a) CD – ROM based
b) LAN based
c) Web based
d) All above
49. The International Organization for Standardizations (ISO) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland,
a) 1952
b) 1948
c) 1961
d) 1946
50. The current quality system is
a) AS9100
b) ISO / TS 16949
c) TL 9000
d) All above
51. The supply chain is defined as
a) Suppliers
Organization Customers
b) Organization
Suppliers Customers
c) Suppliers
Customers Organization
d) Organization
Customers Suppliers
52. Which is not a step of ‘Implementation’ of a Quality Management System?
a) Top Management Commitment
b) Appoint an implementation team
c) Writing the documents
d) Appoint the management representatives
53. Technical committee 207 (TC 207) is formed by
a) RAB
c) ASQ
d) None

54. What is the global benefit of environmental management system?
a) Facilitate & remove trade barriers
b) Improve environmental performance of planet earth
c) Build consensus
d) All above
55. ‘Closely knit’ describes
a) TNC’s eternal relationship
b) TNC’s internal relationship
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
56. ………………, a golf equipment manufacturer recently was certified to both ISO 9000 & ISO
a) Escorts
b) Hyundai
c) Ping
d) Tata
57. To ensure that EMS conforms to plans & is being properly implemented & maintained, is the
purpose of
a) Records
b) EMS Audit
c) Monitoring & Measuring
d) Nonconformance & Corrective
58. The Quality Function Deployment uses, to express information
a) Algebric values
b) Numeric values
c) Alphanumeric values
d) None
59. Quality Function deployment is a planning tool used to
a) Maximizing the profit
b) Minimizing the expenses
c) Fulfill customer expectations
d) Making goodwill
60. Which source of customers describes their expectations?
a) Voice of customers
b) Actions of customers
c) Nature of customers

61. Which method is well suited for gathering a large amount of data?
a) Interrelationship diagram
b) Tree diagrams
c) Cause – and – Effect diagrams
d) All above
62. The primary planning tool used in QFD is
a) QC
b) Gap Analysis
c) Benchmarking
d) HOQ
63. The absolute weight is calculated by
a) AW = (Importance to customer)*(scale up factor)*(sales points)
b) AW = (Importance to customer)*(scale up factor)
c) AW = (scale up factor)*(sales points)
d) None
64. Why the term ‘Sequential Engineering’ is used?
a) To describe the profit
b) To describe the process
c) To describe the performance
d) To describe the quality
65. The benefit of Quality by Design techniques is
a) Faster production development
b) Better quality
c) Less work in progress
d) All above
66. Tools which are mostly used in quality be design technique
a) CAD
b) CAM
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
67. A software which provides a means for individuals to communicate their opinions within a group
in a structured & creative manner is
a) Enterprise resource planning software
b) Product data management software
c) Electronic meeting software
d) None

68. The finite element analysis software packages are3 widely regarded as the most powerful tool
available for
a) A design engineer
b) Documentation
c) Production
d) All above
69. FMEA. Is an analytical technique to identify foreseeable failure modes of a product or process &
plan for their elimination stands for
a) Failure Modification & Effect Analysis
b) Foreign Money Exchange and Analysis
c) Failure Mode & Effect Analysis
d) None
70. The type of FMEA is
a) Design FMEA
b) Process FMEA
c) Equipment FMEA
d) All above
71. How many stages of FMEA?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 4
d) 3
72. The effective of failure as perceived by the customer are called
a) Minor effect(s) of failure
b) Potential effect(s) of failure
c) High effe4ct(s) of failure
d) All above
73. Which section of the document is a relative of the assessment of the ability of the design control
to detect either a potential cause or the subsequent failure mode before the component, sub
system, or system is completed for production.
a) Occurrence(O)
b) Classification (CLASS)
c) Detection (D)
d) Security (S)
74. The concept ‘Caveat Emptor’, that resulted from Adam Smith’s “invisible Hand” theory of
commercial regulation, means
a) Let the buyers beware
b) Let the seller beware

c) Let the consumer beware
d) Let the government beware
75. The first requirement of an expert technical witness is to be ……………………… in the area of
a) Non – technical
b) Perfect
c) Technically competent
d) Knowledgeable
76. Technique, which is a product safety design technique is
a) Fault free analysis
b) Fail – safe concepts
c) Coded identifications for traceability
d) All above
77. If the product is referred to as “safe” & a person is injured that action establishes that the product
a) Good
b) Best
c) Defective
d) Not safe
78. A communication between market place and the organization concerning the performance of the
product is
a) A complaint
b) A claim
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None
79. An adequate prevention program can substantially reduce the risk of damaging litigation. This
statement is as same as proverb
a) A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
b) Barking dogs seldom bite
c) Old is gold
d) Two birds with single stone
80. The goal of TPM is
a) Maintaining & improving equipment capacity
b) Maintaining equipment for life
c) Encouraging input from all employees
d) All above

81. Operating time can be calculated as
a) T = P + D
b) T = D – P
c) T = P – D
d) T = P * D
Where P = Planned operating time, D = Downtime
82. A tool, which could be a key to finding the root cause of a problem by focusing on the process
rather than on people is
a) Brain storming
b) Why Why tool
c) CAM
d) Tree Diagram
83. A tool, which is used to reduce any broad objective into increasing levels of details in order to
achieve the objective is
a) Matrix Diagram
b) Tree Diagram
c) Brain storming
d) Why Why tool
84. Prioritization matrices based on weighted criteria using a combination of
a) Tree & Matrix Diagram
b) Tree & Affinity Diagram
c) Affinity & Matrix Diagram
d) Brainstorming & Why Why Tool
85. The tool which can be used in a wide variety of situations and are simple to use by individuals
and / or teams is
a) Why Why tool
b) Forced Field Analysis
c) Nominal Group Technique
d) All above
86. The activity network diagram is also known as
b) CPM
c) Arrow diagram
d) All above
87. PDPC stands for
a) Process Decision Program Chart
b) Practice Decision Program Chart
c) Process Development
d) Path Decision Process Chart

88. A Pareto diagram is a
a) Ending Process
b) Critical Process
c) Never Ending Process
d) Easy Process
89. Diagrams, which are used to investigate either a “bad” effect and to take action to correct the
cause that are effe4ct & to learn those causes that are responsible
a) Pareto diagrams
b) Tree diagrams
c) PERT diagrams
d) Cause & Effect diagrams
90. Which is the first “statistical” SPC technique?
a) Histogram
b) Ungrouped Data
c) Check Sheets
d) None
91. An arrangement of raw numerical data in ascending or descending order of magnitude is
a) Structure
b) Link List
c) Queue
d) Array
92. Statistics is defined as the science that deals with
a) Collection
b) Tabulation
c) Presentation
d) All above
93. Which tool of statistics describes how the data are spread out or scattered on which each side of
central value?
a) Measures of dispersion
b) Forced field analysis
c) Nominal group technique
d) Tree diagram
94. Experimental design can be used to
a) Improve a process by increasing its performance and
Eliminate troubles
b) Identify the variables to control the process
c) Improve an existing product or develop a new product
d) All above

95. A statistical decision making process in which inferences are made about the population from a
sample is
a) Hypothesis Testing
b) Orthogonal Design
c) t- reference Distribution
d) None
96. What does the word ‘Orthogonal’ mean?
a) The final product is experimented
b) The design of the actual product is based
c) The experimental design is balanced
d) None
97. In any statistical study, analysis & calculations yield a single point or value, which is called a
a) Point estimate
b) Analytical point
c) Full factor
d) None
98. Which is a stage of product development?
a) Process design
b) Product design
c) Production
d) All above
99. Which is the fundamental part of the Taguchi approach?
a) Iron casting
b) Grill
c) Parameter design
d) Confirmation run
100. An ongoing process that must occur if an organization is to continue to exist in the competitive
world is called
a) Change
b) Renewal
c) Enhancement
d) None


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

09901366442 – 09902787224


09901366442 – 09902787224

Supply Chain Management, Telecommunications Essentials, Total Quality Management. 9901366442 - 9902787224


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Total Quality Management

Multiple Choices:
1. If the amount of energy available for the intended function be ‘a’ and the amount of energy
wasted be ‘b’ then Signal to noise ratio will be:
a. a/b
b. (a-b)/b
c. b/a
d. (a+b)/b
2. The number of orthogonal arrays added by Taguchi to the original work of Sir R A Fischer, was:
a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 4
3. If the α for each t test be 0.2 then for 4 ‘t’ tests the probability of a correct decision will be:
a. 0.0008
b. 0.0016
c. 0.0002
d. None of the above
4. This is not a rapid prototype technique.
a. Stereo lithography
b. Solid ground curing
c. Solid ground searching
d. None of the above
5. The multiplication of importance of customer, scale up facture and sales point is called:
a. Relative weight
b. Absolute weight
c. Weight of scale
d. Weight of sales
6. In documentation Pyramid all documentation moves from one level to next in:
a. Ascending order
b. Descending order

c. One down one up fashion
d. Two down one up fashion
7. The quality system other than ISO 9000 is:
a. PS 9000
b. CS 9000
c. AS 9000
d. LS 9000
8. In the 5 S methodology for workplace organization, ‘Seiton’ stands for:
a. Proper arrangement
b. Orderliness
c. Personal cleanliness
d. Discipline
9. The basic plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle was first developed by:
a. Deming
b. Shewhart
c. Juran
d. Fleming.
10. One of the best approach having three components, can be used for process improvement, is:
a. Loran trilogy
b. Turan trilogy
c. Sudan triology
d. Juran triology

Part Two:

1. Write a note on ‘Kano model’ of customer requirement.
2. Define Herzberg’s two factor theory.
3. Write a note on Pareto analysis.
4. What do understand by Benchmarking?
5. Define “Degree of freedom”.

1. Discuss the various labour troubles which compelled the company management and its Dutch
parents to decide to wind up the Calcutta plant. What were the problems?

2. How would you apply the Phillips India policy to help other electronics companies in India to
implement TQM?

1. What is the Top initiative in Siemens AG? Discuss it various aspects.

2. What are the Top eight initiatives for innovation in Siemens AG? Evaluate their impact on
quality and TQM.

1. Mechanical products such as cars do break down. Cars often are serviced by the car dealer.
How can a car dealer use the service department to enhance future car sales?
2. Using trade journals, professional society magazines, periodicals, and your networking
ability, identify two examples of quality by design success stories and explain their results.


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Telecommunications Essentials

Multiple Choices:
1. This band transmits uplink around the 6GHz range & downlink around the 4GHz range.
a. C-Band
b. Ku-Band
c. Ka-Band
d. L-Band
2. On these trunks, traffic flows in both the incoming & outgoing directions.
a. DOD trunks
b. DID trunks
c. Two-way local exchange trunks
d. None of the above
3. As networks become more digitized, fewer conversions take place, and voice can be carried at a
higher quality over fewer flower bits per second.
a. PCM
c. DCSs
d. DLCs
4. _____________ is a standard for storage & retrieval of moving pictures & audio on storage
a. MPEG-1
b. MPEG-2
c. MPEG-4
d. MPEG-7
5. It is an open standard for digital video transmission over cable that was defined by ETSI &
ratified in 1994.
a. DVB-H
b. DVB-T
c. DVB-C
d. DVB-S & DVB-S2

6. It is the oldest of DSL technologies & a symmetrical service, measuring that it provides equal
bandwidth in the both directions.
7. It is the newest spread spectrum technique, and its main purpose is to resolve the problems.
8. It is a new concept in multimedia mobile broadcasting service, converging broadcasting and
a. DMB
c. VF
d. None of the above
9. It is a Niche broadband wireless technology that at first appears to complete for market share with
mobile WiMax & Mobile-Fi.
a. HiperAccess
b. HiperMan
c. iBursrt
10. In-FUSIO’s (www. __________ is best known for its business model, which
supports a variety of revenue models, including pay-per-level and SMS high scores.
a. JavaME
c. EXEn
d. Mophun

Part Two:

1. State the protocols & implementations which are associated with Mesh Network.
2. Write a short note on HFC Architecture and draw the topology of an HFC network.
3. What is the IP multimedia system?
4. What is Symmetric Encryptions?
5. Briefly explain the major layers of IPT network taxonomy.
1. How does this case demonstrate the importance of data transmission rates in business? Does it
imply that people in Japan are willing to accept lower data rates than people in the U.S.?
2. Some people say that the Internet fosters globalization by providing world wide access to the
Web. Discuss arguments for and against this statement.
1. Why might portable computing and desktop computing call for different types of microprocessors?
2. Review the performance variables. In which areas did the Transmeta chip try to excel?

1. DNS is a distributed database system that operates on the basis of a hierarchy of names. Explain
the statement & also explain how DNS servers work.

2. Explain the workings of GSM, UWC, CdmaOne & PDC technologies of digital cellular.

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Supply Chain Management

Multiple Choices:
1. When demand is steady, the cycle inventory for a given lot size (Q) is given by:
a. Q/4
b. Q/8
c. Q/6
d. Q/2
2. There are two firms ‘x’ and ‘y’ located on a line of distance demand(0-1) at ‘a’ and ‘b’
respectively, the customers are uniformly located on the line, on keeping the fact of splitting of
market, the demand of firm ‘x’ will be given by:
a. (a+b)/2
b. a+(1-b-a)/2
c. (1+b-a)/2
d. a+(a-b)/2
3. Push process in supply chain analysis is also called:
a. Speculative process
b. Manufacturing process
c. Supplying process
d. Demand process
4. If the Throughput be ‘d’ and the flow time be ‘t’ then the Inventory ‘I’ is given by:
a. I *d=t
b. I=t+d
c. d=I*t
d. I =d*t
5. Forecasting method is:
a. Time series
b. causal
c. Qualitative
d. All the above

6. Component of order cost include:
a. Handling cost
b. Occupancy cost
c. Receiving costs
d. Miscellaneous costs
7. How many distinct types of MRO inventory are there?
a. One
b. Four
c. Three
d. Two
8. Supply chain driver is:
a. Inventory
b. Return ability
c. Fulfillment
d. All of above
9. SRM stands for:
a. Strategic Relationship Management
b. Supply Return ability Management
c. Supplier Relationship Management
d. None of the above
10. Discount factor equals to, where k is the rate of return.
a. 1/1+k
b. 2/1+k
c. 1/1-k
d. 1/2+k

Part Two:
1. Explain “zone of strategic fit”.
2. Explain “scope of strategic fit”.
3. What do you understand by “Stimulation Forecasting Method”?
4. Write a note on “Obsolescence (or spoilage) cost”.
5. Define “Square Law” in safety inventory of supply chain management.
6. What does the word “postponement” signifies in supply chain?
7. What do you understand by the term “tailored sourcing”?
8. Explain the term “Outsourcing”.
9. Write a note on “threshold contracts” for increasing agent efforts.
1. How much safety inventory of each variant must Orion keep without component commonality? What are the annual holding costs?
2. How much safety inventory must be kept in component form if Orion uses common components for all variants? What is the annual holding cost? What is the increase in component cost using commonality? Is commonality justified across all variants?
3. At what cost of commonality will complete commonality be justified.
4. At what cost of commonality will commonality across the low-volume variants be justified.
1. How many units of each type of player should the electronics manufacturer order if there are no capacity constraints?
2. How many times of each type of player should the electronics manufacturer order if the available is 140,000? What is the expected profit?

1. Consider two products with the same margin carried by a retail store. Any leftover units of one product are worthless. Leftover units of the other product can be sold to outlet stores. Which product should have a higher level of availability? Why?

2. McMaster-Carr sells maintenance, repair, and operations equipment from five warehouses in the United States. W.W. Grainger sells products from more than 350 retail locations, supported by several warehouses. In both cases, customers place orders using the Web or on the phone. Discuss the pros and cons of the two strategies.

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09901366442 – 09902787224


09901366442 – 09902787224