Wednesday 5 August 2015


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224


Multiple Choices:

1. Which technology is among the early starter in providing VoWiFi solutions for enterprises with

wireless networks?

a. Symbol Technologies

b. Vocera Technologies

c. Spectra link Technologies

d. None

2. In wireless networks ___________ refers to the measure of the performance for a system

reflecting its transmission quality & service availability.

a. Internet speeds

b. Quality of Service (QOS)

c. Interoperability

d. Line of Sight

3. A single IP-based core network handling the full range of telecom services.

a. Power line Communication (PLC)



d. Next Generation Networks

4. Which country has the strong competitive broadband market with a penetration of 16%.

a. India

b. USA

c. Japan

d. China

5. Out of the following which project aims to substantially replace all of Bt
s existing network

platform (PSTDN, ISDN etc) with a single unified IP platform.

a. ADSL2

b. 21CN

c. ATM


6. Which generation of mobile telephony will serve bot
h voice & data applications?

a. 1G

b. 2G

c. 3G

d. 4G

7. This is a high bandwidth wireless networking service that operates in the frequency spectrum of

28-31 GHz range.



c. BW

d. None

8. Which management establishes the right architecture to deliver more products, better leveraging

development & deployment expenditures?

a. Product Portfolio Management

b. Partner Management

c. Platform Management

d. None

9. ___________ Frequencies allow multiple service providers to utilize the same section of the

spectrum & compete with each other for customers.

a. Licensed

b. Unlicensed

c. Both

d. None of the above

10. LAS-CDMA stands for ______________

Part Two:

1. What is Backhauling solution?

2. What is Broadband?

3. What is WiMAX?

4. What is THIPON?

5. What is a VOWiFi?

Section B: Caselets (40 Marks)

 This section consists of Caselets.

 Answer all the questions.

 Each Caselet carries 20 marks.

 Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).

Caselet 1


Comment on the strategy which is adopted by the FCC “broadband wireline Internet access services” is

fruitful or not?

When operators and investors consider starting down the road of network building, they need

considerable information to prove their business plan and persuade their spectrum regulator to provide

Caselet 2


1. Explain the concept of ATDI.

2. What are the measures which are behind the success of the ATDI methodology?

3. What is GSM/3G technology?

4. Write down the steps which are to be known in auto planning.

Section C: Applied Theory (30 Marks)

1. WiFi/mobile roaming and VoWiFi may play an important role for fixed-mobile convergence.


2. Does a „light touch
regulation regime make sense within the NGN environment? What benefits

& risks do you see with a „light-touch

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                                                                Retail Management 

 Multiple Choices:

1. The minimum value of Conversion ratio is,

2. The law of retail gravitation is also called,

3. In Huff’s probability model of retail store location, the exponential ‘alpha’ denotes,

4. If the market has low level of retail saturation then the chances of success in the market is,

5. If the original price be ‘a’ and the reduce price be ‘b’ then the mark down % in Pricing 

a. 0

b. 0.5

c. 2

d. 1

a. Huff’s law.

b. Belly’s law.

c. Philip Kotler’s law.

d. Relly’s law.

a. The attractiveness of the store.

b. Power of the store in terms of potential customer located farthest.

c. It is simply a power over the attractiveness of the store.

d. None.

a. Higher.

b. Lower.

c. Unpredictable.

d. Extremely lower

techniques is given by, 

a. (a - b)/a.

b. (a – b)/b.

c. (b – a)/a.

d. (b – a)/b.

 Part Two:

1. What do mean by ‘Super market’?

2. What do you understand by Upper and Lower threshold in pricing methodologies?

3. What does the term ‘silent market’ say?

4. Explain ‘Gap theory’ related with service quality.

5. Explain barometric technique used for sales forecasting.

Caselet 1

1. Do you think that an exclusive brand retail store would work in India? Or a mix of formats for a 

brand? Discuss.

2. Will the franchisee route to a faster roll-out of retail outlets work for these jewellery brands? 

What are the pros and cons?

Caselet 2

1. What store format mix would you recommend for the company?

2. Did the company do the right thing by extending the in-store brand to the wholesale channel? 

What should it do now?

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. “The Indian Retail sectors are witnessing a transition phase where organized retailing is taking a 

lead over unorganized retailing”. In the light of above statement, explain the current states of 

Indian Retailing.

2. “The customer is fully satisfied when the perceived services meets or exceeds their 

expectations”. Explain?

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Consumer Behavior

 Multiple Choices:

1. The Yellow color is related with personality links like

a. Caution, warmth

b. Power, informality

c. Passion, excitement

d. Purity, innocence

2. Consumers having high ethnocentric value in CETSCALE for foreign made products are likely to 

feel that

a. It is worthy to purchase the foreign products.

b. It is wrong to purchase foreign made products.

c. Only foreign made products should be purchased.

d. They should remain neutral.

3. If the OSL(optimum stimulation level) score of a person is greater than the lifestyle he/she is 

living then he/she likely to

a. Take rest

b. Appear quite satisfied

c. Seem bored

d. Can not be predicted.

4. The psychologists who disagree with the Freud’s theory of personality are usually referred as

a. Non Freudians

b. Freudians

c. Neo Freudians

d. C-Freudians

5. According to Sigmund Freud, the human personality consists of 3 interacting systems viz the id, 

the superego and the ego. What actually ‘id’ refers to

a. Its role is to see the individual’s needs in a socially acceptable fashion.

b. Its role is to drive impulsions for the needs to be satisfied immediately.

c. Its function is to control and balance the impulsive demands.

d. None

 Part Two:

1. What is a ‘common man approach’?

2. Differentiate between ‘Enculturation’ and ‘Acculturation’.

3. Write a short note on ‘Rokeach Value Survey’, a widely used value instrument, in consumer 

behavior studies.

4. Explain the ‘Sociometric method’ of measurement in ‘Opinion Leadership’.

5. What do you understand by the term ‘Viral marketing’?

Caselet 1

1. Explain the “role and status” for Macnine shoes. 

2. Suggest some ways of changing consumer perception of Macnine shoes. 


1. A college student has just purchased a new personal computer. What factors might cause the 

2. An Advertising on a known deodorant shows a young beautiful girl is upset to meet her 

student to experience post purchase dissonance? How might the student try to overcome it? 

How can the retailer who sold the computer help reduce the student’s dissonance? How can 

the computer’s manufacturer help?

boyfriend, as friends point out at her “Bad body odour”. The advertisement is trying to arouse 

which motive in the consumer? Discuss by giving one similar examples?

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                                                  Principles & Practices of Banking

 Multiple Choices:

1. Frequency of First Tranche Returns is:

a. Weekly

b. Monthly

c. Monthly/quarterly

d. Monthly/quarterly/half-yearly

2. An order for winding up a banking company can be issued by___________

a. The High Court

b. The RBI

c. The Central Government

d. The Supreme court

3. Who shall be natural guardian in case of married minor girl?

a. Father

b. Brother in law

c. Father-in-law

d. Husband

4. X a partner in the firm XYZ Co. wants to open a Bank account in the firm
s name. It will require

signatures of:

a. All partners

b. Any one of the partner

c. Managing partner only

d. Sleeping partner not required

5. Public limited com
panies should have minimum shareholders, before Opening Bank account.

a. 11

b. 7

c. 5

d. 15

6. If the beneficiary is government then the Expiry of guarantee is governed by the „law of

ranging from 3 years to

a. 15 years

b. 30 years

c. 20 years

d. 10 years

7. Charge created on LIC Policy is

a. Lien

b. Hypothecation

c. Pledge

d. Assignment

8. The device that combines the parallel input data into single serial output data is known as

a. Switcher

b. Multiplexer

c. Encoder

d. Front end processor

9. In market skimming pricing strategy:

a. Initially price is lower and then it is increased

b. Initial price is high and is maintained high

c. Initial price is low and is maintained low

d. Initially price is higher and then it is reduced

10. The marketing personnel need information _________intervals.

a. At yearly

b. At quarterly

c. At monthly

d. On a continuous basis and regular

 Part Two:

1. Discuss the role of RBI in Indian Banking sector.

2. Write short notes on:

3. Write short notes on:

a. Repo Rate

b. Reverse Repo Rate.

a. Bank Lien

b. Right of set off

4. What is cash credit means?

Section B: Caselets (40 marks)

Caselet 1


1. How does the winner in such an auction become the loser due to the „winner curse

2. Explain the role of primary dealers in the money market.

Caselet 2


1. Discuss the mechanism of forfeiting and the role played by banks in forfeiting transactions.

2. How does forfeiting differ from factoring?

Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)

1. What are the various approaches to capital adequacy? Explain Basel II norms and minimum

capital requirements in Basel II norms.

2. What do you mean by non Performing Assets (NPA)? How have NPAs affected financial health

of Indian commercial banks?

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Financial Services

 Multiple Choices:

1. NBFS stands for ___________

2. ALCO is a decision making unit responsible for balance sheet planning from risk return

perspective. (T/F)

3. A contract of „Indemnity
is one whereby:

4. The transaction between the lessor and the lessee being a demand sale is called__________

 5. Which of the following is comes under mutual funds?

a. A person tries to use the other
s property

b. A person pro
mises to save the others property from loss caused.

c. A person tries to trick the property of other for some other person.

d. None

a. First sale

b. Second sale

c. Third sale

d. Fourth sale

Open-end funds

Closed-end funds

Both (a) & (b)


. Concept of leasing involves:

a. Lessor

b. Lessee

c. None

d. All

 7. CRISIL stands for____________

 8. ____________are issued by the government for period ranging from 14 days to 364 days

 through regular auctions.

a. Treasury Bills

b. Commercial Papers

c. Call Money Market

d. None

9. The practice of discounting accommodation bills is known as _____________

10. HUDCO stands for _____________

 Part Two:

1. Explain about SEBI guidelines to merchant bankers.

2. List the different types of Factoring.

3. Write a short note on venture capital in India.

4. Write a short note on Depositories.


 Caselet 1

Required The CFO of Sunlight Industries seeks your advice as a financial consultants on the

alternative proposals. What advice would you give? Why? Calculations can be upto one digit only.

Caselet 2

Assume that the two firms are in the process of negotiating a merger through an exchange of equity

shares. You have been asked to assist in establishing equitable exchange terms, and are required to:

(i) Decompose the share prices of both the companies into EPS and P/E components, and also segregate

their EPS figures into return on equity (ROE) and book value of intrinsic value per share (BVPS)


(ii) Estimate future EPS growth rates for each firm.

(iii)Based on expected operating synergies, A Ltd estimates that the intrinsic value of T
s equity share

would be Rs 20 per share on its acquisition. You are required to develop a range of justifiable equity

share exchange ratios that can be offered by A Ltd
s shareholders. Based on your analysis in parts (i)

and (ii
), would you expect the negotiated terms to be closer to the upper, or the lower exchange ratio

limits? Why?

(iv) Calculate the post-merger EPS based on an exchange ratio of 0.4 : 1 being offered by A Ltd. Indicate

the immediate EPS accretion or dilution, if any, that will occur for each group of shareholders.

(v) Based on a 0.4 :1 exchange ratio, and assuming that A
s pre-merger P/E ratio will continue after the

merger, estimate the post-merger market price. Show the resulting accretion or dilution in

market prices.


1. What do you mean by money market? Discuss money market instruments in detail.

2. What is leasing? Explain about the advantages and disadvantages of lease finance.

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                                                  International Business Management

 Multiple choices:

1. What is the series consideration for strategy implementation?

a. Strategic orientation

b. Location

c. Dimensions

d. Both (a) & (b)

2. The major activity in global marketing is:

a. Pricing policies

b. Product lines

c. Market assessment

d. All of the above

3. The third „P
in the international marketing mix is:

a. Product

b. Price

c. Promotion

d. Place

4. The European Economic Community was established in____________

a. 1958

b. 1975

c. 1967

d. 1957

5. Environment Prot
ection Act on______________

a. 1986

b. 1967

c. 1990

d. None of the above

6. People
s attitude toward time depend on:

a. Language

b. Relationship

c. Culture

d. All of the above

7. Culture necessitates adaption of :

a. Product

b. Price

c. Promotion

d. Place

8. The legal term for brand is:

a. Symbol

b. Name

c. Trade mark

d. All of the above

9. FDI flows are often a reflection of rivalry among firms in____________

a. Global market

b. Indian market

c. International market

d. None of the above

10. ISO certification is:

a. Expensive process

b. Elaborate process

c. Evaluative Process

d. Both (a) & (b)

 Part Two:

1. What do understand by „Inward-oriented Policies

2. What is „Factor Endowments Theory

3. Explain the term „Totalitarianism

4. Write about „Persistent Dumping

 Caselet 1

1. Is gross domestic product per capita a useful indicator of International competitiveness in the EU?

2. Is it fair to point the blame for the EU
s poor international competitiveness at inflexible labour

markets, regulated goods and services markets, and a general lack of competition? What

alternative explanations might be suggested?

Caselet 2


1. What are some current issues Facing Peru? What is the climate for doing business in Peru today?

2. Would the bank be better off negotiating the loan in New York or in Lima? Why?

1. Imagine that you are the director of a major international lending institution supported by funds

from member countries. What one area in newly industrialized and developing economics would

be your priority for receiving development aid? Do you suspect that any member country will be

politically opposed to aid in this area? Why or Why not?

2. The principle problem in analysing different forms of export financing is the distribution of risks

between the exporter and the importer. Analyse the following export financing instruments in this


(a) Letter of Credit

(b) Cash in advance

(c) Draft

(d) Consignment

(e) Open Account

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

                                                                                 Global Marketing Management

 Part One:

1. All the ethnocentric orientations are collectively called______________

2. Which of the following comes under benefits of Global marketing?

a. Endurance

b. Sales Promotion

c. Diversification

d. All of the above

3. The Polycentric orientation is the opposite of ethnocentrism. (T/F)

4. NAFTA stands for____________

5. ______________refers to the ability of the product and the company from that of the competitors

a. Positioning

b. Differentiation

c. Customer value

d. None

6. CAT stands for _______________

7. Cave dwellers are______________

8. LIFO stands for life in fire option.(T/F)

9. Starbursts are _______________

10. _____________is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value

Part Two:

1. What are the implications of tariffs in the Global Marketing?

2. Write a short note on “Diffusion Theory”.

3. Discuss the concept of competitive marketing strategies.

4. Discuss the importance of marketing mix.


Caselet 1

1. What are the indicators of global competitiveness? Discuss the new tools to determine global


Caselet 2

1. Discuss the provisions of world Trade Organization (WTO). What are implications of WTO,

agreements on international business?

1. By marketing in a foreign country must a firm automatically utilize geographic segmentation or

some other segmentation basis discuss.

2. Distinguish between direct and indirect selling channels. What are the advantages and

disadvantages of each?

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                                                                  Safety Management

 Multiple choices:

1. In the 5
S to good housekeeping leading to cleaner, better & safety workplace, what is meant by SIESO?

a. Sort

b. Systematize

c. Sweep

d. Sanitize

2. When the car in front is about to turn the right than what step should be taken?

a. Overtake o
nly on right

b. Overtaking on the left

c. Overtaking is not permissible

d. None of these

3. OSHA stands for_____________

a. Organizational Safety and Health Administration

b. Organizational Security and Health Application

c. Occupational Safety and Health Administration

d. Occupational Safety and Health Advantage

4. Which of the following is not the visible cost of accident?

a. Loss of production

b. Medical cost

c. Legal cost

d. Overhead cost

5. BBS stands for_____________

6. PPE Stands for_________.

7. Which of the following is not come under the 5E
s for accident prevention?

a. Engineering

b. Enforcement

c. Executing

d. Enforcement

8. Spoiled work, loss of p
restige, funeral expenses are comes under which type of cost?

a. Visible

b. Invisible

c. Both a & b

d. None of these

9. Which of the following is the basic element of safety organization?

a. Assignment of responsibility

b. An accident record systems

c. Maintenance of safe working condition

d. All of the above

10. What is the full form of ABC in safety?

a. Always better control

b. Always be careful

c. Attitude behavior culture

d. None of the above

 Part Two:

1. What are the 5E
s for accident prevention?

2. Explain the advantages of training in safety?

3. List the basic prevention measures of industrial fire.

4. List the tips for road safety.

 Caselet 1


1. How could this “accident” have been avoided? How would you recommend preventing occurrence of a

similar accident in the future?

 Caselet 2


1. What do you think the management representative should do? Should this union demand be granted?

1. Explain the “Do
s” and “Donts” of electrical safety?

2. Define „Hazard
. Explain types of „Industrial hazard?

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

 Industrial Safety Management

 Multiple choices:

1. _____________is one of the weapons in the creative armoury available to mangers.

2. Which acid was the by-product of caustic soda manufacturing plant?

3. Which Step cannot be taken to isolate or block energy?

4. ____________are the outer particles of an atom they contain a negative charge.

5. This plan should provide for the orderly and phased shutdown of an installation.

6. MSDS stands for:-

a. Brainstorming

b. Hazard

c. Phosgene

d. Hazop

a. Folic acid

b. Hydrochloric acid

c. Sulphuric acid

d. Nitric acid

a. Block machine parts against motion that might result from gravity.

b. Disconnect or shutdown engines or motors that power mechanical systems.

c. Discharge capacitors by grounding.

d. De-energize electrical circuits by disconnecting power source from the circuit.

a. Electric current

b. Electricity

c. Electron

d. None of these

a. Off-site emergency plan

b. On-site emergency plan

c. Safety Plan

d. Health Plan

a. Material Safety Data Sheet

b. Medical Safety Data Sheet

c. Material Solution Data Sheet

d. Material Security Data Sheet

7. The Xanthate is dissolved in dilute sodium hydroxide & the resulting solution is the viscous orange

liquid known as

a. Spinning

b. Shredding

c. Viscose

d. Aging

8. ____________is used as a temporary care measure to provide the circulation of some oxygenated

blood to the brain.

a. CPR

b. ECC

c. NEC

d. CFR

9. The SWL of a wire rope can be calculated by dividing

10. Which gas is not used for the purpose of ventilation?

Factor of safety


Ultimate Strengt


Catalogue breaking load


factor of safety

d. w


2 cos


Ultimate breaking strengt


Maximum permissible safe load

a. Carbon-di-oxide

b. Oxygen

c. Nitrogen

d. Hydrogen

 Part Two

1. Describe the safety precautions in storing gas cylinders.

2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of „Electric Forks

3. Explain the overview of the „Employer Safety Program

4. What are the stages of „Brainstorming

Caselet 1


1. What are your recommendations for prevention from these kinds of incidents?

 Caselet 2

1. Prepare an investigation report on the basis of above case and suggest some points for prevention.

1. Describe the „Investigation Report
based on the “Layered Method”.

2. Explain the method of „Occupational Safety and Health Training


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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