Wednesday 5 August 2015


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Aviation Management

Objective Type

  1. Which of the following is comes under „Air safety topic?
a.      Lightning
b.      Ice & snow

c.       Fire

d.      All of the above

  1. JATO stands for _______

  1. Beam movement, location of beam related to airport and loser stability comes under which of the following of analyzing the hazard?

a.      Situational factor

b.      Operational factor
c.       Laser/bright factor

d.     Pilot/aircraft factor

  1. Which of the following-is not the aviation standard?

a.      ARINC 429

b.      ARIN 424

c.       ARINC 653
d.      ARINC 444.

  1. The total weight of the passengers,: their luggage, and cargo is known as:

a.      Payload

b.      Ramp weight
c.       Brake release weight

d.      Landing weight

  1. Which of the following are not the primary areas of concern?

a.      Eye damage
b.      Temporary flash blindness

c.       Glare & disruption

d.     none of these

  1. STOL stands for_______

  1. A landing by an aircraft made under factor outside the pilots control such as the failure of engine, system component or weather, is known as__________

a.      Hard landing
b.      Forced landing

c.       Water landing
d.      Belly landing

  1. De-crab is the technique of __________
a.      Crosswind landing

b.      Belly landing
c.     Deadstick landing
d.     Emergency landing

10.     RATO stands for___________

Part Two:

1.  Discus the areas of concern in „Aviation

2. Describe classifications of „Indian Aviation Sector

3. Define sources from which aircraft noise originates.

4. Write short note on “Global Air Traffic Management”.

  1. Identify the challenges faced by the Aus Airlines in a run to survive.

2.        What type of strategy helps in increasing the revenues of the Aviation Industry?

  1. What strategy should Air India follow to satisfy its „Price- sensitive customers without losing money? Comment.

2.     Suggest some features that Air India could adopt to differentiate itself from its competitors.

1. Define landing, and also explain the types of landing?

2. Explain aviation industry in India, and list the challenges faced by aviation industry?

Business Logistics

Objective Type

1. It deals with the movement of finished goods from the last point of production to the point of
a. Marketing Channel Management
b. Logistics Management
c. Boundaries
d. Relationships
2. Which conflict is one of the major bottleneck in the development & maintenance of partnering
channel relationship
a. Channel conflict
b. Management conflict
c. Logistics conflict
d. Distribution conflict
3. The phase of externally integrated business function era (1990s onwards) is recognized as the
era of
a. Logistics Management
b. Human Resource Management
c. Financial Management
d. Supply Chain Management
4. ___________ may be conducted from time-to-time or at least once in a year to know about
change in the expectation levels & actual performance
a. Customer Service Monitoring cell
b. Formal Customer Satisfaction Survey
c. Customer Conference
d. Customer Feedback System
5. The firm’s incomplete or inaccurate knowledge of customer’s service expectations is known as
a. Market Information Gap
b. Service Standards Gap
c. Service Performance Gap
d. Internal Communication Gap
6. This gap exist between the present level of customer service offered and the corporate vision
about customer service
a. Gap 1
b. Gap 2
c. Gap 3
d. Gap 4
7. This stock refers to window display of an inventory in order to stimulate demand and act as a
silent salesman
a. Decoupling stock
b. Psychic stock
c. Pipeline stock
d. None
8. This stock is also known as cycle or lot size stock
a. Working stock
b. Safety stock
c. Anticipation stock
d. None
9. In this system manufacturer is given the responsibility for monitoring & controlling inventory
levels at the retail store level
a. Quick Response
b. Continuous Replenishment
c. Vendor-managed Inventory
d. Customer Relationship
10. This mode of transport is a very significant one but with a very restricted scope. It is used
primarily for the shipment of liquid & gas
a. Airways
b. Railways
c. Pipelines
d. Seaways

Part Two:

1. What is Containerization and also mention the main features of Containerization.
2. What is Third Party Logistics?
3. Differentiate between Public & Private Warehouse.
4. What is Logistics Information System?

1. Based on information for the current years, is Kansas City the best location for a warehouse? If
not, what are the coordinates for a better location>? What cost improvement can be expected
from the new location?

2. If by year 5 increases are expected of 25 percent in warehouse outbound transport rates and 15
percent in warehouse inbound rates, would your decision change about the warehouse

1. How should the chief warehouse manager of PCL approach this problem?
2. Develop a warehousing operational strategy to overcome the problem and fulfill the
redefined objectives of the firm.

1. Information technology had the major effects on all areas of business. Explain the effective
use of Information Technology in Distribution Management.

2. Explain what Partnering Channel Relationship is and also state the reasons for developing
Partnering Channel Relationship.

Construction Technology

Multiple Choices:
1. Excavation carried out for construction of individual foundation and trenches is________
a. Sloped excavation
b. Bulk excavation
c. Confined excavation
d. Excavation in rocks
2. Which of the following is not the temporary exclusion of controlling ground water?
a. Sump pumping
b. Cofferdams
c. caissons
d. Well point system
3. Strength, water-tightness, abrasion resistance are the properties of_______
a. Plastic concrete
b. Hardened concrete
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
4. The welding which is not suited for fabrication work known as_________
a. Fusion welding
b. Friction welding
c. Flame welding
d. Metal arc welding
5. The most common heat sources used in industrial welding works is_______
a. Electric welding
b. Resistance heating at an interface
c. Flame welding
d. All of the above
6. Silicone-based paint may be applied to porous surface to prevent water penetrating the wall known
a. Fungicides paint
b. Water-repellent paint
c. Waterproofing paint
d. Heat-resisting paint
7. Which one of the following provides color to painting films?
a. Binder
b. Pigments
c. solvent
d. Additive
8. __________masonry composed of rectangular unit , usually larger in size than bricks and properly
bonded having sawed, dressed, or squared beds- laid in mortar :
a. Rubble masonry
b. Ashlars masonry
c. Block-in-course masonry
d. Grouted masonry
9. RCC stands for ___________
10. WMM stands for ___________
 Part Two:
1. What are the causes of accident at construction sites?
2. List the document required for actual project implementation.
3. What are the activities involved in plastering?
4. List the guidelines for storage of civil engineering construction material.

1. The cost-effective construction technologies would emerge as the most acceptable case of
sustainable technologies in India. Comment
2. Explain what lessons are required to be learned from International experiences and its own past
experiences in construction project.
1. Explain the construction of the „Euro Tunnel.
2. State the benefits of the construction of the „Euro Tunnel.
1. Define “Glazing”, Explain different kind of glasses used for glazing purpose?
2. What is meant by mechanical handling? List the important safety guidelines for mechanical

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

E Commerce

Multiple Choices:
1. Which of the following comes under Global Information Distribution Networks?
a. Fibre optic long distance networks
b. Satellits
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None
2. ___________is a software program loaded on a PC which allows to access or read information
stored on the internet.
a. Server
b. Browser
c. URL
d. None
3. URL stands for____________
4. HTTP stands for____________
5. HTML stands for ____________
6. It can be defined as convergence of branding information dissemination and sales transaction all in
one place.
a. Internet advertising
b. Internet marketing
c. None
d. All of the above
7. It is an enterprise to provide an interface ramp to the internet.
a. Internet protocol
b. Internet service provider
c. Internet
d. None
8. ___________is an electronic payment system, which can transfer money between its accounts.
a. Paypal
b. Cybercash
c. Digicash
d. None
9. It is defined as a communication protocol as well as packet data service.
a. Cell relay
b. Frame relay
c. Asynchronous Transfer Mode
d. None
10. „WWW stands for_____________
 Part Two:
1. Define „Mobile Computing.
2. Distinguish between HTTP & URL.
3. Describe the role of consumer in e-commerce.
4. Explain the „Application Layer of OSI model.
1. Critically evaluate the Human Resources Policies of “Titus Infotech”.
2. What other strategies would you suggest to reduce the attrition rate at the lower and middle levels?
1. What were the factors of KIT philosophy that helped the company in being successful?
2. While were the leader is dying what could be the possible criteria for selection of a new leader in
the algorithm?
 1. What is computer based technology? What are different types of networks for global distribution
2. What do you mean by internet protocol? Differentiate between search engine and internet service

Energy Management

Part One:
1) The audit that focused on evaluating the energy consumption pattern is a
a. Preliminary Audit c. Detailed Audit
b. Sound Energy Audit d. Efficiency Audit
2) Energy Crops are also known as _________________
3) When plant matter is heated but not burnt to break into solid, liquid and gas is which type of
a. Chemical Convention c. Biochemical Convention
b. Thermo chemical Convention d. Residual Convention
4) An example of a simple passive space heating technology is the ________________
5) To make solar design effective which of the following is not followed
a. A building should have large areas of glazing facing the sun.
b. Certain features should be adopted for equal distribution of heat throughout the building.
c. A building should be sufficient to allow heat storage.
d. A building should have proper landscaping to allow direct sun to the building.
6) It is the most common type of solar panel for full solar power systems
a. Unframed Rigid Panels c. Flexible Panels
b. Solar Roofing d. Framed Rigid Panels
7) Low Peak Coincidence Factor is which of the following barrier for Solar Power Development
a. Market Related Barrier c. Economical & Technological Barrier
b. Institutional Barrier d. Ecological Barrier
8) LEED is a _________________________________
9) ________________ is a semi – autonomous body within the OECD
10) SRP stands for ______________________
Part Two:
1. Write a short note on ‘Energy Consumption’?
2. Differentiate between Space Heating and Space Cooling?
3. Write a short note on ‘Crop Drying’?
4. What is a ‘Solar Thermal Program’?
Q1. Write a note on ‘Piecemeal Ratemaking?
Q2. What are the advantages of the Acquisition of Entergy Corp’s by Mississippi Public Service
Q1. Write a note on ‘Electricity Generation in India’?
Q2. What are the various substitutes adopted by government to prevent Environmental Pollution?
1. Write a note on the components of Energy sector?
2. What are the recent trends of Clean Energy?
3. What is Biomass? State the different kinds of Biomass?

Entrepreneurship management

Multiple Choices:
1. These entrepreneurs are very much sceptical in their approach in adopting or innovating new
technology in their enterprise.
a. Adoptive or imitative entrepreneurs
b. Fabian entrepreneurs
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None
2. These entrepreneurs are conservative or orthodox in outlook
a. Innovative entrepreneurs.
b. Drone entrepreneurs
c. Imitative entrepreneurs
d. None
3. Entrepreneurs primarily involve themselves in Research & Development activities.
a. Active Partners
b. Solo Operators
c. Inventors
d. None
4. SWOT stands for_____________
5. Which of the following comes under negotiable instruments?
a. Promissory Note
b. Bills of Exchange
c. Cheque
d. All of the above
6. Industrial Dispute Act passed in____________
a. 1948
b. 1947
c. 1920
d. 1950
7. KVIB stands for____________
a. Khadi and Village Industries Board
b. Khadi and Village Industrial Bank
c. Khadi and Village Insurence Bank
d. None
8. NABARD stands for____________
9. IFCI stands for____________
10. IDBI is a subsidiary of
a. State bank of India
b. Reserve bank of India
c. PNB
d. None

 Part Two:
1. Discuss in brief the importance of cottage and village industries in india.
2. Write a short note on UTI
3. Write a short note on Cottage Industries.
4. What do you mean by Venture Capital?
1. How could Mahesh and Raja have avoided the problems that led to the end of their partnership?
2. Why is this situation a good example of the difficulty in maintaining partnerships between friends?
1. Is there a list of dos and donts regarding employment of family members in a family business?
2. Amit has not got down to documenting a family employment policy yet. Help him frame one
1. Explain the meaning and objectives of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) also
discuss the role of government in organizing EDPs.
2. What are the economic factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship? Explain the social
factors which govern the development of entrepreneurship.

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Event Management
Multiple Choices:
1. Which one of the following is the second element of the promotional strategy?
a. Image
b. Branding
c. Advertising
d. Publicity
2. Most event budgets include a ________ for unexpected expenses.
a. Management Fees
b. Contingencies
c. Break Even Point
d. Cash Flow Analysis
3. This statement is a list of an organizations revenue, expenditure, and the net profit (or net loss)
for a specific period.
a. P&L Statement
b. Balance
c. Control System
d. None
4. This risk includes disputes over contracts between the event organizer & the client and/ or
between the event organizer & a subcontractor.
a. Financial Risk
b. Legal Risk
c. Safety & Security
d. Technology-Related Risks
5. It is an important risk control process, and it is essential that every member of the event team is
familiar with this process.
a. Incident Reporting
b. Emergency Response Plans
c. Standards for Risk Management
d. None
6. A _________ chart is generally used in the early planning days and in the lead-up to an event.
a. Gantt chart
b. Organization chart
c. Pie- chart
d. Z-chart
7. It is the set of traditional practices that have long been accepted & used when dealing with &
meeting with others.
a. Rules
b. Regulation
c. Protocols
d. Norms
8. This incorporates all projected images, such as replays of sporting highlights on large screens or
a. Sound
b. Vision
c. Layout
d. Decor
9. This is that period of group development during which members grow used to one another and
tentatively formulate goals & behaviors that are acceptable.
a. Forming
b. Storming
c. Norming
d. Performing
10. It is about getting things organized, getting things (and people) in the right place & tearing
everything down.
a. Time Management
b. Logistics
c. Policies
d. Procedures

Part Two:
1. What do you understand by the term „Incident Reporting?
2. Define the concept of Crowd Management.
3. Who is an Event Manager & what are the Tasks of the Event Manager?
4. What are the developing Recognition strategies?
1. What were the three complications?
2. How could these problems have been avoided?
3. List the types of events affected by weather.
4. What are the some general suggestions for avoiding weather problems?
1. What are some of the safety risks associated with this event?
2. Who is responsible for the safety of the venue and the audience?
3. How could the risks be reduced?
4. What sorts of contingency plans could be developed?
1. The role of public Relations is to manage the organization and the events image in the mind of
the audience & the public. Justify the statement.
2. Establish the major aims & objectives of the event.
3. State the major consideration for selecting an event venue.

Event Marketing

Multiple Choices:
1. The type of event involve a test of physical strength, mental ability & talent or a combination of
these is called___________
a. Competitive events
b. Artistic expression
c. Cultural celebration
d. Exhibition events
2. Who is responsible for organizing the event?
a. Organizer
b. Invitees
c. Sponsors
d. Delegates
3. The interaction that takes place between clients and the target audience during the actual event
known as____________
a. Indirect interaction
b. Direct interaction
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is not comes under the 5 Cs of events ?
a. Culture
b. Canvassing
c. Conceptualization
d. Customization
5. Strategic alternatives arising from competitive analysis are___________
a. Rebuttal strategy
b. Sustenance strategy
c. Maintenance strategy
d. Both a & b
6. Any venue over which neither the client nor the professional event organizer have any ownership
rights is called___________
a. In-house venue
b. External venue
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
7. A large identifiable groups of customers with in a market is termed as___________
a. Target marketing
b. Ambush marketing
c. Positioning
d. Segmentation
8. It is a part of revenue generation method during the event management.
a. Merchandising
b. Event Revenue
c. Event Budgeting
d. None of These
9. ____________ provides a forecast on the event about the variable cost & fixed cost of the event.
a. Budget planning
b. Event Budgeting
c. Event Management
d. Event Costs
10. EMIS stands for____________

Part Two:
1. What are the 5CS of event?
2. Explain the concept of “Target Marketing”?
3. Discuss the key elements of events?
4. Write short note on Pre-event, During-event and post-event activities of event management?
1. Develop detailed operational plans for the end of the race, using estimates of finish times and crowd-flow patterns for participants and spectators.
1. Discuss the occupational safety and health issues of the staff concerned.
2. What are the responsibilities of the management in this case?
1. “Event Management” as an effective marketing tool if executed right. Explain?
2. Define “Event” and discuss the advantages offered by event?

Fashion and the Consumer

Multiple Choices:
1. The component in which consumers must buy and wear a style to make it a fashion
a. Style
b. Acceptance
c. Change
 d. Taste
2. The people who have too much money to spend and also becomes slaves to designer brands are
a. Fashion Victims
b. Fashion Innovators
c. Fashion Motivators
d. Fashion Followers
3. This style is usually less expensive than designer apparel
a. Contemporary Styling
b. Moderate Styling
c. Traditional Styling
d. Classic Styling
4. Polyester is an example of
a. Synthetic Fibers
b. Regenerated Cellulose Fibers
c. Man – Made Fibers
d. Natural fibers
5. This method is used to dye loose fabrics before yarn processing
a. Piece Dyeing
b. Cross Dyeing
c. Yarn Dyeing
d. Stock Dyeing
6. In this technique, a separate roller engraving is used for each color in the pattern.
a. Wet Printing
b. Digital Printing
c. Dry Printing
d. Engraved Printing
7. It is an Italian Fabric Fair that is held in March and October every year in Italy
a. Ideabiella
b. Eurotuch
c. Premiere Vision
d. Interstoff Asia
8. This lace is made in a Giant Web formed by linking chains of yarn
a. Barmen Lace
b. Raschel Knitted Lace
c. Leaver Lace
d. Venice Lace
9. It is a handbag in which both fabrics and leathers may be stitched by machine but, the closures
 must still be done by hand
a. Designer and Better Handbags
b. Luxury Handbags
c. Moderate and Inexpensive Handbags
d. Portable Handbags
10. A jewellery which is more trendy and utilizes metals, that imitate gold and silver is
a. Fine Jewellery
b. Bridge Jewellery
c. Costume Jewellery
d. Fashion Jewellery

Part Two:
1. Write a short note on ’Traditional Marketing chain’?
2. Differentiate between Collection Reports and Trend Reports?
3. Define ‘Trickle Down Theory’?
4. State the functions of Jobbers and Brokers?
5. What are ‘Hook – and – loop Fasteners?
Q 1. List the contribution of various Fashioners to the Fashion Industry?
Q 1. On the basis of the above Caselet describe the success of the Benetton’s Supply Chain Management in today’s scenario?
1. What are the motives for Consumer Buying? Discuss the fashion categories.
2. How would you elaborate the Fashion Accessories?
3. Explain the fashion service and resource in detail?

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Fashion Retailing

Multiple Choices:
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of On – Site Classifications?
a. Small Multiunit Specialty Stores
b. Departmental Store Groups
c. Single – Unit Specialty Stores
d. Home – Shopping Organizations
2. Price, care, serviceability and safety are categorized under:
a. Rational Motives
b. Patronage Motives
c. Emotional Motives
d. Safety Motives
3. A research which is the quickest method and also requires an immediate response_______
a. Intercept Surveys
b. Telephone Questionnaires
c. Mail Questionnaires
d. On – Line Questionnaires
4. The center that utilizes high – volume, high – profile outlets to draw customers:
a. Power Center
b. Off – Price Center
c. Outlet center
d. Mixed – Use Center
5. Stores with little frontage but prefer window space to feature their merchandise build______
a. Windowless Store Fronts
b. Parallel – to – Sidewalk Windows
c. Arcade fronts
d. Open Windows
6. Which of the following is NOT included in the trends of Retail Environment Design and
a. Split Departments
b. Minimalist Interior Design
c. In – Store Designer Salons
d. Transformation of Historical Building
7. The training in which the trainer can provide the necessary information and allow the trainee as
much time as necessary to comprehend the machine is_______
a. Vestibule Training
b. On – the – job Training
c. Online Training
d. Role Plays
8. _____________ is the most effective anti shoplifting tools
a. Video Surveillance System
b. Electromagnetic System
c. Tag – and – alarm System
d. Magnifying Mirrors
9. Improper Billing while usually on an occasional occurrence is a__________
a. Vendor Theft
b. Internet Theft
c. In – Transit theft
d. Internal theft
10. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of the successful salesperson?
a. Appropriate Appearance
b. Complete Knowledge
c. Company Loyalty
d. Objectives Achievement

Part Two:
1. Write a short note on ‘Spin – Off’ stores?
2. What are the benefits of a Catalogue Shopping?
3. What are ‘Strip Centers’?
4. Explain the Trends in Retail Research.
5. What are the Fashion Department Classifications?
Q 1. How might Amada quickly assess the market and satisfy her needs?
Q2. If the freelancer cannot accommodate her, should\ she persue the effort alone?
Q1. What would you suggest that the company do before hiring another buyer and at the same time be able to cover the other domestic wholesale markets?
1. What is a Planning Strategy to get a Successful Career?
2. How would you explain the Consumer Assessment Theories.
3. Discuss the Fashion Retailing Organization Chart on the basis of Off-site and On-site

Financial Management

Multiple choices:
1. Capital turnover ratio is calculated as
a) Sales *Capital employed
b) Sales / Capital employed
c) Sales /Total Assets
d) Total assets / Owners fund
2. In ABC analysis C class consist of ________.
a) a very large number of items which are less important
b) a very less number of items which are important
c) quaintly if items which take place after a long time
d) that quantity which is fixed in such a way that the total variable cost of managing the
inventory can be minimized
3. The real owners of the company are
a) Equity shareholders
b) Dividend holders
c) Preference shareholders
d) Stakeholders
4. The Proprietary concern is owned by
a) Three persons
b) Only one person
c) any one but s persons must
d) None of the above
5. Assets and liabilities in the Balance Sheet are shown at ________ prices
 a) Latest
 b) Current
 c) Nominal
 d) Historical
6. Financing consists of the raising, providing, managing of all the money, capital or funds of any kind
 to be used in connection with the business' is defined by
a) Ronald Burns
b) Orichad d. maningous
c) Bonneville and Dewey
d) Kenneth Midgley
7. Shareholders of a joint stock company appoint their representative in the form of ________ to carry
 on the day-to-day affairs of the company
a) Directors
b) Stakeholders
c) Partners
d) owner
8. The cost which remains constant irrespective of changes in the sales revenue is termed as
a) Fixed cost
b) Variable cost
c) Runtime cost
d) Normal cost
9. The comparison of the ratios of one organisation with that of the other organisation is termed as
 ________ comparison
a) Inter-firm
b) out-side firm
c) Other firm
d) All the above
10. A systematic record of the events of the business leading to a presentation of a complete financial
 picture is known as
a) Financial statement
b) Balance Sheet
c) Trading account
d) Accounting
10. Retained earnings is a source of ________ finance
a) Internal
b) External
c) Quick
d) Liquid

 Part Two:
1. What is Annuity kind of cash flow?
2. What do understand by ‘Portfolio risk ?
3. What do you understand by yield to maturity (YTM)?
4. Elaborate ‘Central limit theorem’.
5. What is the Difference Between NPV and IRR?
1. Evaluate the strategies used by the management in the changed scenario.
2. Which strategies the company adopt for the future?
3. Evaluate the performance of the company financially, using financial ratios and figures.
4. Analyze the case using SWOT analysis.
1. Evaluate the company’s ability to sustain its performance in the present scenario.
2. Suggest the possible costing techniques which can help V.K. Gupta its decision-making (Illustrate
using examples).
3. Conduct a financial analysis of the company of the company and comment its financial
4. Suggest the various funding patterns that may be adopted by the company in light of the
company’s capital structure.
 1. Explain the norms suggested by Tondon Committee for providing bank credit? How
did the recommendations of Chore Committee bring modifications?
2. A population is made up of groups that have wide variations within the groups and less
variations from group to group. Which is the appropriate type of sampling method?
3. Over capitalization and undercapitalization are both unhealthy signs for a firm
“Discuss”? Can they be remedied?

Managerial Economics

1) Economists have classified input as
a. Timeless
b. landless
c. labourless
d. all the above
2) ∑Pi=………where Pi
 is the probability of certain task.
a. Not defined
b. 1
c. 0
d. It will depend on the number of Pi
 values we are taking for summation.
3) Slope at x=2 for the given curve y=3x3
+2x be
a. 26
b. 38
c. 36
d. 18
4) For a vertical demand curve the elasticity will be
a. 0
b. 1
c. Between 0 and 1
d. ∞
5) The difference between price and average variable cost is defined as
a. Loss contribution
b. Profit contribution
c. Expectations
d. Market contribution
6) For an industry with ‘n’ firms the total equilibrium o/p for a Cournot oligopoly with Q0 as o/p
from perfect competitive market, is given by
a. Q0(n+1)/n
b. Q0n/(n+1)
c. (n+1)n/Q0
d. (n+1)/(nQ0)
7) Game theory was designed
a. To create situation where individual and organization have conflicting objectives for
competitive growth.
b. To create situation where organization and organization have conflicting objectives
c. To evaluate the condition of the market
d. To evaluate situations where individual and organization have conflicting objectives.
8) The firms may be able to escape from ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ if the action is
a. Repetitive
b. Non repetitive
c. Sequential
d. No dependence on the type of action
9) Which is not the Property of Indifference curve
a. Convex to the origin
b. Have positive slope
c. Indicate lower level of satisfaction
d. Do not intersect nor are they tangent to one another
10) Standard deviation is a measure of
a. Sink of price
b. Rise of price
c. Slope of demand curve
d. Risk
Part Two:
1. Define ‘Arc Elasticity’.
2. Explain the law of ‘Diminishing marginal returns’.
3. What is ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’, a non cooperative game?
4. What is ‘Third degree Discrimation’?
1. Are the problems faced by the Company periodic in nature, and when would the bad period over
the problems cease to persist?
2. Is there a case for shifting the business focus from the Indian market to export to foreign
3. Is there a case for restructuring and the business process re-engineering so that certain problems
and its impact are under control?
4. What would you recommend as a mission and goal to the Company?
1. How long can an industry sustain on protection?
2. What is the impact of incidental services like assembly, testing, marketing, etc. on the total cost?
3. Would you agree to the suggestion for a complete changeover to wooden cabinet?
4. Would it be desirable to import the components rather than make them in India?

1) Free trade promotes a mutually profitable regional division of labour, greatly enhances the
 potential real national product of all nations and makes possible higher standards of living all
 over the globe.”Explain and critically examine the statements.
2) What role does a decision tree play in business decision-making? Illustrate the choice
between two investment projects with help of a decision tree assuming hypothetical
conditions about the states of nature, probability distribution, and corresponding pay-offs.

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Managing Hotel Operations

Multiple Choices:
1. Housekeeping is the responsibility of:
a. Hotel manager
b. Reservation manager
c. Rooms manager
d. Executive assistant manager
2. Which of the following is not the method of minimizing the overbooking problem:
a. Increasing restrictive policy
b. Third party guaranty
c. Threat of legislation
d. Advance- deposit reservation
3. Which of the following is the channel of the traditional reservation:
a. The changing role of travel agent
b. In-house reservation
c. Central reservation center
d. All of these
4. The real component of “TQM” is?
a. Bedding
b. Cleanliness
c. Noise ,temperature and darkness
d. All of the above
5. Arrange the following into hotel organizational structure:
i. The room manager
ii. The general manager
iii. The hotel manager
iv. Manager of guest services.
a. i, ii, iii, iv
b. ii, iv, i, iii
c. ii, iii ,i, iv
d. iv, ii, iii, i
6. Alphabetical list of the days expected arrival, individually and by group is:
a. Cancellation and change report
b. Daily analysis report
c. Arrival report
d. Central reservation report
7. Which is not the component of credit management :
a. Extending credit
b. Credit alert and skippers
c. Minimizing charge backs
d. None of these
8. Reservation contained following information during the procedure are design to improve the
effectiveness of the front office:
a. Arriving and departure dates
b. Number of night
c. Number of person
d. All of the above
9. Bank card is the kind of?
a. Debit card
b. Smart card
c. Credit card
d. None of these
10. Segmentation comes under:
a. New product pattern
b. New market Pattern
c. New product segmentation
d. New management pattern

 Part Two:
1. Explain the special characteristics of hotel business?
2. Differentiate between the marketing to the individual and marketing to the group?
3. List the Information contained in reservation.
4. Explain the organizational structure of hotel management?
1. What does this mean for the business of our clients?
 1. Name one output of a hotel.
2. Why is the layout of facilities important in a hotel?
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hotel technology?
2. Discuss how the room rates impact on guest demand?
3. Explain the traditional hotel industry?

Front Office Operations

Multiple Choices:
1. To create a professional image and to make guest comfortable about the staff members is a factor
a. Personal presentation
b. An attentive manner
c. Social skills
d. Use of guests names
2 A small booklet which has the guests name, room number and room rate is_______
a. Credit card
b. Key card
c. Bedroom book
d. Room status board
3. Clear is a sign of_______
a. Room left
b. Room occupied
c. Room vacant and ready
d. Room vacant but not ready
4. Which of the following is not a part of „Property Management System?
a. General ledger
b. Registration
c. Night audit
d. Computer terminal
5. Arrange the following as procedure for payment by credit card:
i. Ask the client to sign the audit roll (retain the card)
ii. Obtain the card from the client
iii. Check that the signatures on the card and the voucher agree.
iv. Swipe the card through the machine.
a. i, ii, iii, iv
b. ii, iv, i, iii
c. ii, iii ,i, iv
d. iv, ii, iii, i
6. When the interest and desire is converted into booking or enquiry it is a result of:
a. Interest
b. Attention
c. Action
d. Desire
7. Providing an individual „PIN number to the customer by the hotel authority is a feature of:
a. Voice mail
b. Message waiting facility
c. Fax
d. Access to hotel services
8. Cheques help in controlling frauds in the hotels.
a. Crossing cheques
b. Cheque authorization
c. Foreign cheques
d. Blank cheques
9. Which of the following is not included in the task performed mainly at the reception?
a. Filing
b. Duplicating
c. Word processing
d. Reservation
10. Chart is very time consuming to be up-dated and its errors results in lower
a. Density chart
b. Density reservation chart
c. Stop-go chart
d. Conventional chart

 Part Two:
1. Differentiate between the organizational structure of „Small and Medium sized hotels.
2. State the main ways in which fire can be prevented in a hotel.
3. List the main methods of „Non-verbal communication.
4. Write a short note on „Inside Availability.
1. Do you feel it was necessary for mike to commission a consultants report on the Benson? Why
or why not? How would you have approached the situation?
2. Identify and propose solutions for the supervisory challenges in the kitchen and dining areas of
the „Benson Hotel.
1. Identify and describe four short-term operational strategies Ken should implement immediately at the Rainbow Golf Resort.
2. Which form of top-down communication would be most suitable for the Rainbow Golf Resort to
achieve its objectives?
1. Explain how the hotel receptionist can contribute to customer satisfaction?
2. Discuss the methods of payments in a hotel.
3. Discuss about the main principles of “Hotel Billing”.

Hospital Administration

Multiple forms:

1. Low growth low market share products are termed as___________
a. Stars
b. Cash cows
c. Dogs
d. None
2. To improve organizational performance „Alfred Sloan introduced „3S term as doctrine of
strategy, structure and?
a. System
b. Solution
c. Share
d. None
3. Overburdening may occur due to too many group members seeking out an individual for
information and assistance, a solution to such problem is_____________
a. Linear organization
b. Circular organization
c. Elliptical organization
d. None
4. NHS stands for_________________
5. ICU in medication stands for Internal cure union.(T/F)
6. There are 4 levels of strategic consensus that have been identified among the managers, one level
in which managers are informed about the strategy but they are not willing to act is
a. Blind devotion
b. Informed scepticism
c. Weak consensus
d. None
7. OCB stands for Organization citizenship behavior.(T/F)
8. BPR stands business process re enforcement.(T/F)
9. The best way to avoid conflict and there by preserve relationship with in the health care
organization is____________
a. Spiral of silence
b. Web of solution
c. Web of solution
d. None
10. IPE stands for inter disciplinary education.(T/F)

Part Two:
1. Discuss the Managerial issues in Disaster Management?
2. What do you understand by the Outpatient Department (OPD)?
3. Write a short note on Quality Assurance in a Hospital?
4. Briefly describe the importance and functions of Housekeeping department in the Hospital?
1. Why according to you Artefacts are essential for the development of an organizations culture?
2. Elaborate the cultural beliefs of your company?
1. Why there is a need of change?
2. With reference to your company, what changes you prefer?
1. What do you mean by Emergency Department Planning? How would you explain the managerial
issues in Emergency department?
2. Write a short note on the following terms:
1) Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)
2) Total Quality Management in Health Care
3) Medical Audit and its Administration

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Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning
Multiple Choices:
1. A method of collaborative work in which visual display of information on flip charts or other
media to which other group member can use is__________
a. Decision matrices
b. Multivoting
c. Boarding
d. Brainstorming
2. A tool for Data collection which summarise perception of a large sample of people
a. Surveys
b. Interviews
c. Check sheet
d. Data sheets
3. Members of Inspection control committee_________
a. Microbiologist, O.T. incharge, Medical Superintendent
b. Representative from Nursing Service, CSSD in charge, Representative from major clinical
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of the above
4. MRD stands for___________
a. Medical Records Department
b. Medicine Records Department
c. Medicine Release Department
d. None of the above
5. Format for appraisal in which rank order is establish of employees based on their relative
a. Forced Distribution Technique
b. Graphic Rating Scale
c. Ranking methods
d. Free Written Ratings
6. Analytical technique in Materials Management in which all items in inventory on the basis of
annual usuage time cost is________
a. FSN Analysis
b. ABC Analysis
c. VED Analysis
d. None of the above
7. Planning tool used in Quality Management in which the items are written on individual cards and
displayed on a flip chart__________
a. Relations Diagram
b. Process Decision Program chart
c. Affinity Diagram
d. Activity Network Diagram
8. Method of filing of Medical records in which involves filing of records in exact chronological
order according to unit / serial number___________
a. Middle Digit filing
b. Terminal Digit filing
c. Straight Numeric filing
d. None of the above
9. Type of hospital in which the number of beds is over 300 beds is known as___________
a. Large hospital
b. Medium sized hospital
c. Small hospital
d. None of the above
10. Meeting in hospital whose purpose is to pass on information received from agencies is_________
a. Informative Meeting
b. Consultative Meeting
c. Executive Meeting
d. None of the above

 Part Two:
1. What are the factors affecting “Retraining” in a hospital?
2. Write a short note on Finance in Hospitals?
3. Describe the Negotiating system for Hospitals rates?
4. Write down the different members of Appointment committee of the hospital?
1. Critically evaluate the factors identified by Ritu for enhancing organizational effectiveness?
2. Describe a performance appraisal system that you will recommend to Ritu for evaluating the
1. What are the assumptions made by Dr. Systematic for their inventory model?
2. Do you recommend any further suggestion for inventory costs in a hospital?
1. Write in brief about structure and function of Hospital organization?
2. Write down the following terms:
1) Labour Relation System.
2) Organization of Hospital Workers.

Indian Power Sector
Multiple Choices:
1. NTPC has placed appropriate emphasis on the quality aspects in
a. Project Management
b. Maintenance specialist
c. Forecasting
d. CRM
2. Out of the following which one is NOT under Maintenance objectives
a. To maximize plant availability & reliability
b. To optimize maintenance cost.
c. To create safety in work, equipment & environment
d. Management of large size power stations.
3. Import of capital equipment would be free from
a. Income Tax
b. Custom duty
c. Sales tax
d. None
4. Which sector is one of the largest users of gas in India
a. A. telecom
b. Thermal power
c. Power
d. Energy
5. ____________ is the largest private sector Vertically Integrated Power Utility in the electricity
distribution field in India.
b. BTL
c. BTC
6. The government of India has set up a ______________ under the Chairmanship of the Union
Minister of Power with members from the Ministry of Power, Finance, Coal, Environment,
Railway Board, CEA at the level of secretary to the government
a. Crisis Resolution Group (CRG)
b. CEA
c. PTC
d. None
7. LNG stands for ___________________.
8. VCP stands for ___________________.
9. KESC stands for __________________.
10. WAPDA stands for ________________.

Part Two:
1. Give the new policy initiatives which have been taken by the government of India in the recent
2. What are the few other issues which confront the developers particularly at the time of
finalizing the Power Purchase Agreement?
3. What is Board Organization Structure of the Power Industry?
4. Write a short note on Tata Electric Company.
1. What recommendations would you offer to BRDC? Why?
2. Do you think by giving market research data in ‘project profiles’, the working of BRDC would show any improvements? Why?
 1. Describe how the life of workers get effected by working for a long time in Power Companies
2. What recommendations would you suggest to the worker who wants to give the resignation in
the above case? Why?
1. Explain Revised Mega Power Project Policy and give the important features of this policy.
2. Give the response of major concerns and future Outlook of the Indian Private Power Policy
which was introduced in October 1991.
3. State the Inadequacies & Limitations of the State Electricity Board (SEBs) of Indian Electricity

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Power Sector Reforms

1. It is the largest electricity company and operate in 13 Countries in total
a. The Spanish Multinationals
b. Endesa
c. Iberdrola
d. Union Fenosa
2. This indicates to what extent a particular reforms is accelerating (or possibility retarding) access
to electricity
a. Electrification levels
b. Electrification rate
c. Electricity consumption
d. None
3. The ___________ tariff order has fixed charges for wheeling power from a 220 KV feeder of a
substation to say 132 KV or 33 KV destination
a. Agriculture tariff
b. ERR
4. This represents the contribution of a consumer category towards the peak demand on the
a. Demand
b. Energy consumption
c. Consumer
d. None
5. In Argentina, ___________ agreements covering the whole of the electricity sector were ended
& replaced by separate negotiations with each company
a. Outsourcing
b. Privatization
c. Liberalization
d. Collective Bargaining
6. The per capita consumption of electricity increasing at a compounded Annual Growth Rate is
a. 3.04 percent
b. 4.04 percent
c. 5.04 percent
d. 6.04 percent
7. VVNL stands for _____________________.
8. CAGR stands for _____________________.
9. CMNAP stands for ___________________.
10. ERC stands for ______________________.

Part Two:
1. What is the impact of Power Sector Reforms on the poor in Orissa?
2. State the objectives of the National Electricity Policy?
3. What are the objectives of the Phase III of Reform?
4. What is Rural Electrification?
1. On the basis of the above case comment on the Recent Scenario of Power Sector Reform.
2. Give the highlights of the concerned report.
1. What organizational structure would you recommend for the marketing and sales operations of
M/s. Watts and Volts Ltd?
2. Who in your opinion is responsible for sales? Justify your opinion, in the light of this case.
1. Several issues would be sorted out in creating a separate organization for supplying power to
agriculture. What are those issues? Explain
2. Describe the process of IRP and give the schematic representation of IRP process.


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