Wednesday 5 August 2015


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Knowledge Management
Multiple Choices:
1. UCC stands for:
a. Universal Commercial Code
b. Uniform Commercial Code
c. Unique Commercial Code
d. United Commercial Code
2. E-business connects critical business systems and constituencies directly via:
a. Internet
b. Extranet
c. Intranet
d. All of the above
3. Unusable rule are also called as:
a. User rule
b. Conflicting rule
c. Subsumed rule
d. None of the above
4. Fact in knowledge codification refers to:
a. Value of an object or a slot
b. Codification scheme
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. Filling of slots
5. An individual with skills & solutions that work some of the time but not all of the time is:
a. Scribe
b. Validity
c. Novice
d. None of the above
6. CBR is:
a. Case based reasoning
b. Case based reliability
c. Case based repository
d. None of the above
7. An unskilled employee trying to learn or gain some understanding of the captures knowledge is a:
a. Pupil user
b. Tutor user
c. People user
d. None of the above
8. A rule of thumb based on years of experience is called:
a. Procedural rule
b. Tacit knowledge
c. Heuristic
d. None of the above
9. Episodic knowledge is:
a. The knowledge based on the fundamentals structure functions & behavior of objects
b. The knowledge based on experimental information or episodes
c. The knowledge based on the unrelated facts
d. None of the above
10. A directory that points to people, documents and repositories is:
a. Knowledge map
b. Knowledge codification
c. Rapid prototyping
d. None of the above

 Part Two:
1. Write short note on “KM Life Cycle”.
2. Write short note on “The Knowing Doing Gap”.
3. What is Nominal Group Techniques (NGT)?
4. What do you mean by Delphi Method?
1. Which factors contributed to motivate the troops to go ahead for such a difficult task as recovering a damaged vehicle from such a difficult and treacherous terrain and getting it repaired in such a short time?
2. Which incidents indicate the importance of good interpersonal relationships with juniors, peers and superiors and what is the importance of good interpersonal relationships?
1. What other data-driven promotions could Carrier come up with using other data mining
2. What manufacturing-driven applications can Carrier implement using data mining?
1. Explain the concept of Tacit Knowledge. List the different techniques of capturing Tacit
2. Explain Global Knowledge Leadership. What are the driving forces behind global expansion
of knowledge management?
Lean Materials Management
Multiple choices:
1. The top management planning process during which the Demand and Supply sides of the
business meet one a month for risk assessment and analysis is called___________.
a. Sales and operation planning (S&OP)
b. Sales, Inventory and operation planning (SIOP)
c. Production, sales and Inventory (PSI) process
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following comes under 5-S?
a. Seri
b. Seiketsu
c. Straighten
d. All of the above
3. ___________is the process of aligning components with process to meet customer need.
a. Lean management
b. Material management
c. Inventory Management
d. None of the above
4. ________refers to the way that the material requirement system generates the signal for
material to move.
a. Planning
b. Demand
c. Execution
d. None of the above
5. BOMs stands for_______
6. SMED stand for_____________
a. Simple manufacturing exchange of Die
b. Single minute execution of die
c. Single manufacturing engineers and design
d. Society for manufacturing engineers and design
7. Which of the following comes under Reliability?
a. Quality
b. Integrity of promises
c. Responsiveness to schedule changes
d. All of the above
8. DMAIC stand for_______
a. Denote, Measurable, Auctions, Improvement, Create
b. Define, Measurement, Analyze, Improve, Control
c. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
d. None of the above
9. _________ are about accountability in organizations and, thus are everywhere in highperformance
a. Planning
b. Communication
c. Management
d. None of the above
10. ___________ is a mapping exercise to track information or decision making through an
organization chart.
a. TVM
b. ERP
d. JIT

 Part Two:
1. Write a short note on Vendor Managed Inventory?
2. Differentiate between functional manufacturing and process flow?
3. How would you explain the rules for master production schedule level loading?
4. What do you understand by the term of Inventory Management?
1. How will this impact the areas?
2. How will the department managers plan for this without breaking confidentiality?
1. Explain how Alton Towers kept ahead of the competition in the years from 1982 until
2. Explain the benefits to Alton Towers of having restaurants and souvenir shops dotted
around the site?
1. Describe the control Group method? Explain the effective steps and results of it?
2. Define the customer focused Quality (Six Sigma)? How many steps are involve in DMAIC
3. Explain the following terms?
a) Kanban
b) kaizen
c) Lean Inventory Strategy

Tourism Development
Multiple Choices:
1. ___________ are those factors that create a person’s desire to travel.
a. Travel motivation
b. Early influences
c. Tour operator
d. None
2. This is the modern Western style hotels seen in almost all metropolitan & other large cities as
well as principal tourist centres.
a. Resort hotels
b. Commercial hotel
c. International hotels
d. Residential hotels
3. The companies practicing this concept think in terms of the benefits they are selling rather than
the products.
a. Integrated marketing
b. Customer orientation
c. Dual-core marketing job
d. None
4. This segment comprises visits to relatives & friends & visits for the purpose of
education, pilgrimages etc.
a. The common-interest tourist
b. The vacation tourist
c. The business tourist
d. Tourist market
5. The research which includes the collection & analysis of all available data, statistics & published
information on tourist trends and markets.
a. Desk research
b. Field research
c. Sample surveys
d. Motivation research
6. ____________ is a pamphlet bound in the form of a booklet.
a. Special offers
b. Display material
c. Sales letter
d. Brochure
7. This part of NTO will be concerned with all those elements and activities which make up the
tourism product.
a. The administration
b. The production
c. The marketing
d. Financing
8. When people travel outside their normal domicile to certain other areas within the country is
known as
a. Domestic tourism
b. International tourism
c. Foreign tourism
d. None
9. This is the division or categorization of land permitting only certain kinds of use on it.
a. Creation of “honey pots”.
b. Dispersion policy
c. Zoning
d. Encouragement of green policies
10. PATA stands for_____________.
Part Two
1. Write a short note on Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI).
2. What are the different categories of Travel Motivators?
3. Define the Measurement of Tourism?
4. Explain the functioning of WTO.

1. What are some tactics and strategies that need to be used to make this a workable situation for
the development and private enterprise?
2. Who might the partners be in this type of situation?
3. How will the message of environmental ethics be promoted?
4. Where will the information distribution centers be established?
1. To whom should the restaurateur go for help in gathering possible solutions to the lopsided
workload situation?
2. What are some possible options for shifting some of the workload from the first cook to the other
two cooks?
1. How should Jordan tourism products be packaged?
2. How does Jordan’s location in the middle of the world events and fighting impact its
tourism products?
3. How will the issue of enhanced tourism be promoted to the population as well as to
potential tourists?
4. How will infrastructure issues be addressed (water, waste, security, transportation) to make a
trip to Jordan achievable?
1. Define Hotel and explain the different types of Hotels.
2. Discuss the Marketing concept? Define the special features of Tourism Marketing and also
explain the Tourist Marketing Mix?
ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Tourism Management
Multiple Choices:
1. Which system replaced Roman rule that resulted in many different autonomous domains.
a. Feudal system
b. Macro polo system
c. Sporadic system
d. None
2. Out of the following which Era is characterized by travel to new & familiar locations, both near
& far
a. The Grand Tour Era
b. The Mobility Era
c. The Modern Era
d. The Traditional Era
3. Knowledge of ___________ geography provides the means to identify & describe natural
features of the earth including landforms, water, vegetation & climate.
a. Physical
b. Human
c. Regional
d. Social
4. Studying tourism from a __________ approach provides a basic understanding of how
organizations manage revenues & expenses.
a. Marketing
b. Finance
c. Management
d. None
5. Out of the following which comes under the fourth need of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
a. Physiological needs
b. Safety needs
Examination Paper of Travel & Tourism Management
IIBM Institute of Business Management 2
c. Belonging needs
d. Esteem needs.
6. Which segmentation has proven especially useful in segmenting the traveling public
a. Geographic segmentation
b. Demographic segmentation
c. Psychographic segmentation
d. Product-related segmentation
7. _____________ travel is considered to be the backbone or “bread & butter” of the tourism
a. Business
b. Incentive
c. Special-interest
d. Personnel
8. ___________ refers to the ability of service personnel to perform the promised service accurately
& consistently
a. Tangible
b. Reliability
c. Responsiveness
d. Assurance
9. This is the most simplest form of distribution, providing travelers with direct access to tourism
a. One-level distribution channels
b. Two-level distribution channels
c. Three-level distribution channels
d. Four-level distribution channels
10. Out of the following which tour provides buyers with a number of tourism supplier elements plus
the services of a local host
a. Independent tour
b. Foreign independent tour/ domestic independent tour
c. Hosted tour
d. Escorted tour

Part Two:
1. List the different types of segmentations of Tourism Market?
2. Define the role of Government in Tourism?
3. Write a short note on Tourism Promotion agencies?
4. Define Tourism & Foreign Exchange Rates?
1. Was broccoli a good choice as a substitution for cauliflower on this menu? Why or why not?
2. How might the handling of this specific food item shortage be improved?
3. What are the pros and cons of ordering frozen vegetables as a backup in case fresh items are not available?
4. What should Jacquey do to determine whether the shortage rate really is unacceptable and, if it is, how could she reduce the shortage rate?
1. To whom should the restaurateur go for help in gathering possible solutions to the lopsided
workload situation?
2. What are some possible options for shifting some of the workload from the first cook to the other
two cooks?
1. Define Tourism and service & Tourism? Explain the challenges and opportunities of Tourism.
2. Discuss Tourism information sources and service? Explain the two-level distribution and three level distribution channel.

International Finance
Multiple choices:
1. Maintenance margin money denotes the minimum level to which the margin is allowed to
fall in the sequel of loss, if the balance drops below this, one has to deposit,
a. Initial margin amount
b. Variation margin amount
c. Maintenance margin amount
d. Initial as well as variation margin amount.
2. The two kind of swap in the forward market are
a. Forward swap and reverse swap.
b. Reverse swap and option swap.
c. Forward and option less swap.
d. Forward swap and option swap.
3. International Fisher Effect or generalized version of the Fisher effect is a combination of
a. PPP theory and Fisher’s open proposition.
b. Fisher’s open and closed proposition.
c. PPP theory and Fisher’s closed proposition.
d. None of the above.
4. Exchange rates are quoted as ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ ,if the direct quote of a country ‘X’
(currency unit ‘a’) with country ‘Y’ (currency unit ‘b’), is “ a 50/ b 20” then the indirect
quote will be
a. b 2.5/ a 1
b. b 0.4/ a 1
c. b 10/ a 1
d. Cannot be calculated.
5. If the investors are risk neutral ie forward prices are equal to the expected spot prices at
delivery then the covariance of marginal rate of substitution and the exchange rate of
contract at delivery is
a. Always unity
b. Zero
c. Infinite
d. Between Zero and unity
6. In cylinder or tunnel option, the correct option is
a. If the spot rate is lower than the lower strike rate then buyer has to pay lower spot rate.
b. If the spot rate is lower than the lower strike rate then buyer has to pay lower strike rate.
c. If the spot rate is higher than the higher strike rate then buyer has to pay lower strike
d. If the spot rate is higher than the higher strike rate then buyer has to pay higher strike
7. The concept of parallel loan says
a. Amount of the loan moves out of the county but it serves the purpose of internal loan
b. Amount of the loan moves out of the county but it serves the purpose of cross border
c. Amount of the loan moves within the county and it serves the purpose of external loan
d. Amount of the loan moves within the county but it serves the purpose of cross border
8. According to one of the earliest theory proposed by Hymer on the imperfect market
a. Multinational firm is a typical imperfect market.
b. Multinational firm is a perfect market
c. One should not look for control if want the maximum profit
d. None
9. If the NVP(net present value) from parent’s perspective and from the subsidiary’s
perspective are positive and negative respectively then
a. Project cannot be accepted
b. Project shall be accepted
c. Project may be accepted but it is doubtful how far useful for parent unit.
d. Project may be accepted but chance of loss in host country currency will be there.
10. If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are the price elasticity of demand for import and export respectively then
devaluation helps to improve current account balance, only if
a. 2A + B is greater than 1.
b. A - B is equal to 0.
c. A+B is greater than 1.
d. A + B is lesser than 0.

 Part Two:
1. Write a note on ‘Fixed Parity System’ for exchange rates.
2. What are Direct & Indirect Quotes of exchange rates?
3. What is ‘Forward Market Hedging’?
4. How could ‘Optimization of Portfolio’ be achieved?

1. Mention the loss borne by the US exporter in the sequel of appreciation of dollar.
2. What strategy the Indian importer needs to follow to hedge the exchange rate risk?
1. Describe the network of ABN AMRO Bank in India.
2. What role does it play for global cash management?
1. Crawling peg is the compromise between fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate
2. Is international working capital management more complex than the domestic working
capital management?
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Multiple choices:
1. Covariance of the returns of security i and market portfolio is 270. Standard deviation of market
portfolio is 15. Calculate β of security i.
a. 1.2
b. 2.4
c. 3.0
d. 3.8
e. 4.2
2. In an economy the level of confidence can be gauged by examining the following factors.
a. The current investment climate
b. The current capacity utilization
c. Overall economic conditions
d. Financial performance of companies
e. All of the above
3. Default free bonds can still have
a. Price change risk
b. Interest rate risk
c. Marketability risk
d. Political risk
e. All of the above
4. The analyst should take into account the following characteristics while evaluating a company for
investment purpose.
a. Permanence
b. Labor conditions
c. Government policies and regulations
d. Past earnings performance and future expectations
e. All of the above
5. B1 and B2 group shares in BSE can be settled through
a. Carry forward settlement
b. Spot delivery
c. Hand delivery
d. Kerb trades
e. None of the above
6. Which among the following factors are considered while conducting five factor ROE analysis?
a. Pre-tax margin
b. Operating margin
c. Asset turnover
d. Total leverage
e. All of the above
7. The ratio of market capitalization to book value can be used as a proxy for
a. ROE
b. ROA
e. None of the above
8. A stop loss order is given when the market is
a. Highly volatile
b. Experiencing a downtrend
c. Experiencing a bull run
d. Inactive
e. None of the above
9. The low exit and high entry barriers can be found in industries which have
a. Low and stable returns
b. Low but risky returns
c. High and stable returns
d. High but risky returns
e. None of the above
10. Which of the following companies deal in commodities?
a. HLL
b. Reliance
c. Wipro
d. Grasim
e. Both (b) and (d) above
11. Which among the following is unique to a security?
a. Risk-free rate
b. Risk premium
c. Rates of expected inflation
d. Nominal interest rates
e. None of the above
12. To prove the independent nature of price changes in stocks, analysts conduct which of the
following tests?
a. Auto-correlation tests
b. Residual analysis
c. Event studies
d. Runs test
e. Both (a) and (d) above
13. A “Connected Person” according to the SEBI Regulations, 1992 is defined as
a. A company under the same management
b. A merchant banker or a share transfer agent or a broker
c. An employee of a public financial institution
d. The company’s banker
e. All of the above
14. The slope of the CAPM line is also referred to as the
a. Systematic risk
b. Market price of the risk
c. Unsystematic risk
d. Both (a) and (b) above
e. None of the above
15. The risk of the whole market as measured by ‘Beta’ is
a. 1
b. 0
c. -1
d. Greater than 1
e. None of the above
16. Securities which are plotted above the SML line are
a. Underpriced
b. Those whose intrinsic value is equal to the market value
c. Overpriced
d. Favorable investments
e. Both (a) and (d) above
17. In India, the secondary market for shares is regulated by
a. RBI
b. Ministry Finance
d. Company Law Board
e. There is no regulatory authority
18. Banker’s acceptances are traded in
a. Money market
b. Capital market
c. Derivative market
d. Forex market
e. None of the above
19. Which among the following is/are market determined?
a. Havala rate
b. Carry forward margin
c. Badla charges
d. Making up price
e. None of the above
20. High growth rates in earnings and market shares is a characteristic of companies which are in
a. Maturity stage
b. Expansion stage
c. Pioneering stage
d. Declining stage
e. None of the above

 Part Two:
1. Explain ‘Discretionary Order’, a type of order available to stock traders.
2. What does ‘β’ (Beta) mean in risk measurement?
3. Define ‘Liquidity’.
4. What is ‘Beta Control’?
 1. Which company do you think in India confirms to the traditional explanation of why firmsgrow?
2. Which company do you think in India has improved its valuation after focusing on its core competencies.
1. How does the introduction of rolling settlement complement the stock being traded in the demat
2. What are the advantages to the company whose shares are traded in the demat form?
1. Investment in bond assures the investor a fixed return with some element of risk. Elaborate on the various risks involved in bond investment and recommend the techniques to reduce these risks.
2. Explain where in the companies resort to manipulative accounting techniques with respect to the following areas.
ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Pharmaceuticals Industrial Management
Multiple Choices:
1. Which of the following not the principle of co-‘ordination?
a. Principle of early beginning
b. Principle of continuity
c. Principle of time
d. Principle of reciprocity
2. Oral communication includes-.
a. Lecture
b. Poster
c. Union publication
d. Complaint procedure
3. Enthusiasm, co-operation, tact and skillful handling come under-.
a. Intellectual quality
b. Character quality
c. Psychological quality
d. Physical quality
4. Which of the following is the demerit of formal communication?.
a) Decay in accuracy
b) Time consuming
c) It is temporary
d) Fairly unsuitable
5. Arrange the following into decision making process
i. Conception
ii. Investigation
iii. Perception
iv. Selection
a) iv,i,iii, ii
b) ii,iv iii,i
c) iv,i,iii,ii
d) iii,i,ii, iv
6. FIFO stands for ______________________.
7. Record of all item of material and good in the store is recorded in which document?
 a) Store ledger
 b) Bin card
 c) Both a & b
 d) None of these
8. VED stands for ______________________.
9. In the EOQ formula ‘C’ is stand for-
 a) Annual consumption
 b) Cost of per unit of material
 c) Cost per order
 d) Storage
 10. WTO stands for ______________________.

 Part Two:
1. What is questionnaire? Explain rules or guidelines for designing a good questionnaire?
2. Define drug store management? ‘Discuss the arrangements of drugs in drug store?
3. Name the various steps in the selection of a pharmacist?
4. What are the purposes of training given to a pharmacist?
1. Briefly explain the concept of CRM & SFA systems.
2. State the features of a Good SFA system.
3. Write down some CRM/SFA systems which are available in the market for Pharmaceutical Industry.
4. What are the benefits of CRM system?
1. Explain the working of a Glenmark Pharmaceuticals.
2. State the features of a Glenmark Pharmaceuticals.
 1. Define ‘Pharmaceutical marketing? Explain objectives and importance of pharmaceutical
2. Define ‘Advertising’? What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising in
pharmaceutical marketing?
Pharmaceutical Marketing

1. What is the full form of ‘IPR’?
a. Intellectual property rights
b. Intellectual patent rights
c. Intellectual process rights
d. International patent rights
2. The environment that poses tremendous opportunities for new products and services to alert
marketer is an _________ environment.
a. Ecological
b. Social
c. Technological
d. Competitive
3. Arrange these market opportunities analysis step by step:
i. Evaluate new opportunities in new segments
ii. Build on your strengths
iii. Explore new market opportunities
iv. Analyze your existing markets
a. i, ii,iii,iv
b. ii,iv,i,iii
c. iv,ii,iii,i
d. i,iii,iv,ii
4. Marketing virtually the same product with two or more brand names is a strategy of:
a. Family brand strategy
b. Multiple brand strategy
c. Individual brand
d. Private brand
5. The pricing that deals with the judgmental or subjective elements of pricing is a:
a. Cost-based pricing
b. Petition based pricing
c. Market based pricing
d. Demand based pricing
6. Which of the following is not a member of distribution channel?
a. The Physician
b. Manufacturer
c. The consumer
d. The transporter
7. Arrange the communication process in order:
i. Medium
ii. Feedback
iii. Sender
iv. Receiver
v. Message
a) ii,iv,v,i,iii
b) iii,v,i,iv,ii
c) iv,i,iii,v,ii
d) iii,ii,iv,i,v
8. The strategy used to create a demand for a product within a channel of distribution by appealing
directly to the consumer is a:
a. Pull strategy
b. Push strategy
c. Combination strategy
d. Competitive strategy
9. Toward off a competitive threat or to create an entry barrier, some companies from different
power blocks may temporarily form a cartel it is termed as:
a. Franchise power
b. Integration power
c. Niche power
d. Coalition power
10. Which of the following ‘R’ is not a part of good management principle?
a. Resources
b. Recognition
c. Responsibility
d. Reward
 Part Two:

1. Define the term “Marketing Communication”.
2. Differentiate between ‘Product Item’ and ‘Product Mix’.
3. Differentiate between ‘Cost Based Pricing’ and ‘Demand Based Pricing’.
4. Describe “Boston Matrix”
1. If you were in the position of Swami, what would have been your decision? Justify keeping
qualitative aspects in mind.
2. Discuss the various other factors, which should be considered while making capital investment

1. Was it right for V.D. Agarwal to withdraw half way during negotiations?
2. In view of the information given in the case, suggest the strategies for making IMPLA
Pharmaceuticals a more progressive organization.
1. Explain the terms in the context of the “Pharmaceutical Marketing” :
a. Brand
b. Trademarks
c. Product line
2. Explain the important point that should be considered, while packaging pharmaceutical product?
Also list the various dimensions of pharmaceutical market.

International Financial Management
Q.1 What is meant by BOP? How are capital account convertibility and current account convertibility different? What is the current scenario in India? 
Q.2 What is arbitrage? Explain with the help of suitable example a two-way and a three way arbitrage. 
Q3. You are given the following information: 
Spot EUR/USD : 0.7940/0.8007 Spot USD/GBP: 1.8215/1.8240 Three months swap: 25/35 
Calculate three month EUR/USD rate. 
Q.4 Explain various methods of Capital budgeting of MNCs. 
Q.5 a. What are depository receipts? 
b. Boeing commercial Airplane Co. manufactures all its planes in United States and prices them in dollars, even the 50% of its sales destined for overseas markets. Assess Boeing’s currency risk. How can it cope with this risk? 
Q.6 Distinguish between Eurobond and foreign bonds? What are the unique characteristics of Eurobond markets?  

International Financial Management

Q.1 What do you mean by optimum capital structure? What factors affect cost of capital across nations? 
Q.2 What is sub-prime lending? Explain the drivers of sub-prime lending? Explain briefly the different exchange rate regime that is prevalent today. 
Q.3 What is covered interest rate arbitrage? 
Assume spot rate of £ = $ 1.60 
180 day forward rate £ = $ 1.56 
180 day interest rate in U.K. = 4% 
180 day U.S interest rate = 3% 
Is covered interest arbitrage by U.S investor feasible? 
Q.4 Explain double taxation avoidance agreement in detail 
Q.5 Explain American depository receipt sponsored programme and unsponsored programme. 
Q.6 Explain (a) Parallel Loans (b) Back – to- Back loans  

Treasury Management

Q.1 Explain how organization structure of commercial bank treasury facilitates in handling various treasury operations. [10 Marks] 
Q.2 Bring out in a table format the features of certificate of deposits and commercial papers. [10 marks] 
Q.3 Critically evaluate participatory notes. Detail the regulatory aspects on it. [10 Marks] 
Q.4 What is capital account convertibility? What are the implications on implementing CAC? [10 Marks] 
Q.5 Detail domestic and international cash management system [10 Marks] 
Q.6 Distinguish between CRR and SLR [10 Marks]  

Treasury Management
Q.1 Explain any two major risks associated with banking organization. [10Marks] 
Q.2 What is liquidity gap and detail the assumptions of it? [10 Marks] 
Q.3 Explain loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory [10 Marks] 
Q.4 Explain various sources of interest rate risk [10 Marks] 
Q.5 Detail Foreign exchange risk management and control procedure [10 Marks] 
Q.6 Describe the three approaches to determine VaR [10 Marks]  

Merchant Banking and Financial Services

Q.1 What do you understand by insider trading. What are the SEBI rules and regulations to prevent insider trading. [10] 
Q.2 What is the provision of green shoe option and how is it used by companies to stabilize prices. [10] 
Q.3 Discuss the proportionate allotment procedure followed by the lead banker to allot shares. [10] 
Q.4 What are the advantages of leasing to a company. [10] 
Q.5 Discuss Accounting standard 19 for lease based on operating lease. [10] 
Q.6 Given the various types of mutual funds, take any two schemes and discuss the performance of the schemes. [10]  

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Merchant Banking and Financial Services

Q.1 What are the provisions for prevention of fraudulent and unfair trade practices by SEBI regulations. [10] 
Q.2 Discuss the method of price discovery using the book building process. [10] 
Q.3 Discuss the role of a custodian of shares. [10] 
Q.4 A company wishes to take machinery on lease. Study the lease options available to the company. [10] 
Q.5 Give examples of various venture capital funds that are present and examples of some business ventures that have been successful with venture capital financing. [10]
Q.6 Mutual fund schemes can be identified by investment objective, List one scheme within each category. [10]  

Insurance and Risk Management
Q.1 Explain chance of loss and degree of risk with examples [10 Marks] 
Q.2 Explain in detail Malhotra Committee recommendations [10 Marks] 
Q.3 What is the procedure to determine the value of various investments?[10 Marks] 
Q.4 Discuss the guidelines for settlement of claims by Insurance company [10 Marks]
Q.5 What is facultative reinsurance and treaty reinsurance? [10 Marks] 
Q.6 What is the role of information technology in promoting insurance products [10 Marks]  

Insurance and Risk Management
Q.1 Explain risk avoidance, risk reduction and risk retention [10 Marks] 
Q.2 What are the challenges faced by Indian Insurance Industry and what measures are taken to overcome them? [10 Marks] 
Q.3 What is premium accounting and claim accounting? [10 Marks] 
Q.4 What factors indicate that there is a good potential for growth of insurance services in rural markets? [10 Marks] 
Q.5 Critically evaluate the role of agents in insurance industry [10 Marks] 
Q.6 Explain product design and development process in Insurance Industry [10 Marks]  

Compensation Benefits
Q1.     Describe flexible workforce in detail. 
Q2.     Define internal equity and explain its importance. 
Q3.     What is CTC? What are the components of CTC? 
Q4.     What are the elements of compensation? 
Q5.     Describe Mintzberg 5 P’s of strategy. 
Q6.     Ms.Deepa Mehra is the VP-HR of Induslink Network. She is assigned the task of finding a new CEO for the company and fixing the compensation. What are the trends that she will have to look into before finalizing the compensation package for the CEO? 

Compensation Benefits
Q1.     What are the major issues related to repatriation? 
Q2.     How does compensation effect employee satisfaction? 
Q3.     What are the factors to be taken into account to ensure an optimum compensation package for executives? 
Q4.     How is employee benefit and labor market linked? 
Q5.     What are the factors that have to be determined before preparing the salary structure? 
Q6.     Mr.Senthil is the HR Manager of First Source Pvt. Ltd. He found that many of the employees have been doing the same work for a long period of time. He decided to enrich some of their jobs. List some of the strategies which can be used by Mr.Senthil to enrich jobs in organizations. 

Performance Management and Appraisal

Q1.     State the components of a performance management system. 
Q2.     What are the major errors that may occur during performance evaluation? 
Q3.     Explain the traditional methods of performance appraisal in detail. 
Q4.     Explain career planning in detail. 
Q5.     Explain the ‘Plan-Do-Review-Revise’ cycle of performance management. 
Q6.     Mr.Samuel D’Costa is the HR executive at Evergreen Solutions Pvt.Ltd. He found that the performance of the marketing team has been decreasing over the past four months. Suggest measures that he can take up to improve the team performance of the marketing team. 

Performance Management and Appraisal

Q1.     What are the aims of performance management? 
Q2.     What are the features of a Performance management framework? 
Q3.     Explain the two psychosomatic approaches of the reward system within an organization. 
Q4.     State the four essential components of 360 degree appraisal. 
Q5.     What are the steps to be followed while building an ethical organizational culture? 
Q6.     The HR department of a software company reviewed the performance of the employees. The HR Manager wants to provide feedback of the performance review to the employees. Describe the factors that have to be looked into while providing performance review feedback. 
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Talent Management
Q1.     What is the importance of talent management? 
Q2.     What are the top 10 talent management challenges faced by an HR? 
Q3.     What are the retention strategies adopted by organizations? 
Q4.     List the key elements of talent management system. 
Q5.     The talent selection consists of five selection processes. List them. 
Q6.     State some of the practical steps that can be taken to improve the talent acquisition. 

Talent Management

Q1.     Explain the methods adopted to control recruitment and hiring process. 
Q2.     India as nation stands out for it entrepreneurial and well educated talent base. Justify. 
Q3.     What are the steps to be followed while doing an assessment of an organization? 
Q4.     What is the role of an HR in talent management? 
Q5.     Describe the five stage approach for building a competency model. 
Q6.     What are the four major keys involved in promotion of ethical behavior in the workplace? 

                                                         Change Management

Q1.     How do change managers recognize resistance of employees to change? 
Q2.     Explain any two Process based change models. 
Q3.     Describe in detail transformation through McKinsey’s plan. 
Q4.     What are the challenges that managers face in implementing successful change? 
Q5.     What are the requirements for making organizational change? 
Q6.     Explain the Greiner's Growth Model of organizational growth in detail. 

Change Management

Q1.     What are the five disciplines associated with the organizational learning? 
Q2.     Describe the role of leaders in managing change. 
Q3.     What are the skills and ability required for the role of change agent? 
Q4.     Describe managing change during turbulent times and setting clear expectations. 
Q5.     What are the three dimensions of organizational structure? 
Q6.     Change management plays an important role in any organization, as the task of managing change is not an easy one. Justify. 
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